

Everything is on the internet and this calls for more security to protect your information. People have credit cards and social security numbers on their phones and laptops. People also order many things online now and this causes people to have credit cards and social security numbers on the websites that can ask you to keep on file to make it easier to order additional items for the future. There are many ways that I use to protect my passwords and information.

One of the ways that I protect my information is by using the two-factor authentification. I  found that this really helps me in many ways because this form of protection is just an extra wall that can help people who could have retrieved your main password. There are a good amount of applications and websites that use that form of security and I try to use it more often than not.

I also try to change my password often because that can help stop people who are trying to attempt to break into your profiles and such. Changing my profiles really help me keep a peaceful mind because I know that I can continue to make changes to my security profiles in a safe way and in a more efficient way.

Another way that I tend to use in order to keep my information safe to not save my passwords on the devices that I use. This is probably a huge issue with a lot of people because if someone can just get into your devices that have all of your passwords saved within the different platforms and websites, then your information could be compromised for sure.  I try to really watch that tool because my devices often ask me for permission to “save password” and it is so easy to just say yes. Clearing your cookies and encrypting your information is a very important part of the process of keeping your information safe and secure.

Protecting your information and passwords is such an important piece of life, especially now that everyone and everything is now on the internet. People from all over the world can easily have access to your personal and private information if the process to keep the information safe is not done properly. Everyone must know and learn how to safely and proactively secure their information and I can only feel for the elderly people because many do not even have a clue to do so. We must make it a priority to stay safe.



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Wikipedia is such an interesting and fun tool to use when used properly. Wikipedia is also something that can be a bit controversial because of the ability for anyone to be able to correct, add, and take away information from an article that was written. Wikipedia brings many people together to create and share ideas about any and everything that can be talked about in the world; from music to major events that happened in the world. This opportunity to correct an article that was written by someone else was a little uncomfortable for a couple of reasons but it was a good experience.

Editing an article that was created by someone brought me to an uneasy place for some reason. It was not the fact that I was placing incorrect information to the article but it was merely the fact that I did not want to mess with someone’s hard work. I worked on an article that discussed Beyoncé’s, The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour. The article talked about the process of the entire tour from the costumes to the advertisement and to the amount of revenue that was brought in from the world tour. The article was very well written with just a couple of misspellings and maybe some rewriting of some sentences. The article also talked about people who were involved during the tour as well as the major events that happened around the tour.

My experience with editing this article was not a horrible one but it did put into perspective what kind of access people had with this type of technology and it made me a little uncomfortable to change much. This is because I did not want to step on anyone’s toes per se but luckily there was training for the Wikipedia changes and how to edit an article. I appreciate the training being accessible and showing how to avoid the tragedies a bad edit on Wikipedia. The process is fairly easy and fairly self-explanatory. I really appreciate that there was a source to help you choose an article to edit so that you would not have to go to another site to actually copy and paste something to edit. This cuts out some tendencies for plagiarism and copyright issues.

I changed a sentence to arrange the wording a little differently so it was easier to read. 

The process works for an article that has many issues and wrong information. This allows for more corrections and additions for the article. The citing tool is very simple to use as well. It helps those who do not really know how to cite websites easily and does the work for you for the most part. The visual arrangement for the editing site can be a little confusing for a first time user because I for sure had trouble trying to find some of the links and buttons such as “edit”; do not judge me. Wikipedia has a format that just confuses me a little and that is okay, as I mentioned earlier, the process is fairly easy and fairly self-explained to use the system and edits.

I reworded a sentence.

Another key part of the editing process is having the original writer confirm and sign off on the editing that will be done by you.   I think that that is a great way to get permission from the creator to have that ability to change what is already created. It gives the creator a chance to make sure that their work is not done in vain and to allow the creator or deny the additions to the article. The only downside to this is that the creator may not always respond to that request. The creator may not have been logged into their account in such a long time and may have not seen that article since it was created. This is why I say that I feel a little skeptical of the whole editing someone else’s article because what if someone does not get the proper permission to change something? Anyone can just create a change and make something incomplete or provide the wrong information to the article. I guess you would place this information on the web and hope that people will be respected enough to provide factual and strong information.

Overall, the entire process was something to learn from and it is amazing. Learning that you can change people’s information from the comfort of your own home and have an impact on the world is something to think about. This process was insightful to see how trustworthy and untrustworthy information on the internet can be. This teaches me to be truthfully media literate when it comes to researching information on the internet for anything and to fact check everything that I would consider to use as information to digest.



Law and Media

Law and media really can be a very touchy combination. There is so much that can be confusing about the way media should be handled by the law. This can range from defamation, copyright, and more. There are so many ways to share media and trying to determine if certain media is against the law can be a bit tricky.

When it comes to the legality of media, I believe that major corporations should really be aware of what is posted. Companies and corporations seems to be more prone to anything that has to do with the legal system and breaking any laws. This can be from false advertising, sharing incorrect information on the internet, or even selling the wrong services or items. Employees who work in stores even have to be cautious because they are representing a company and they could get in trouble if they were to post something about the company and it damaged the company’s image.

When it comes to a personal account, people typically have the freedom to share information on different platforms. Media that is shared on Instagram and Facebook is considered free speech. The content that is posted is essentially owned by the companies who own those platforms but information that shared is typically freedom of speech. Now, when someone tries to post information that is defaming someone, this can cause some trouble. The victim in this particular situation can sue the “suspect” for either causing harm to their character. They can even sue the person for threats that are made on the internet. I am not concerned about the fact that certain laws may be changing for the content being placed on the internet because personally I do not post anything that can cause harm to anyone, however, the comments and posts that people can post on Instagram and Facebook could be a target for change. This is because people may not be able to say what they want to say or the stuff that is being said could potentially be used in court as evidence against someone.

Laws should be changed in the news industry when it comes to the sharing of information that can be very controversial. For example, the sharing of Kobe Bryant’s helicopter crash photos is such a huge media frenzy.  Information like this is really sensitive to people and should not be shared with the masses. Think about how Kobe’s family feels when they see this in the news and has to relive this unfortunate event. It is so sad to see and something should be done about this. No, it is not defaming but it is insensitive of someone to share this horrific information.  Whoever shared this information should be investigated because this person could have just done this for personal gains and not for educational purposes.

I am not entirely nervous about the laws changing the way we post media and the way we receive media but I do have concerns about how media can be controlled and what will be controlled. That is something that needs to be talked about on a daily basis.


Extra Credit – “The Grandmother Problem”

What an interesting experiment. I actually tried to explain this and “correct” my supervisor at my current job. It was not as awkward as I thought it would be but it did seem a little like, “I know more than you”. My supervisor always talks about using the internet in order to retrieve information and to also post about things that he has heard on the news.

The topic was about lemons and what the genetic makeup of lemons were. I asked him where did he get this information from. He simply answered, “Google”. I then began to ask him why he thought that “Google” was the best source to retrieve this information and he stated, “Google has everything.” I asked him did he verify the website that he retrieved that information from and did he confirm that the statement that he said was truthful and factual. He stated that he, “knew it was because he uses Google all of the time.” I then began to explain how many people post information just to post information and it may not even be true. I expressed to him that being media literate is so important and that what you share with people can really have a huge impact on different people across the globe.

My supervisor then began to agree with me and tried to validate why he does his research a certain way. I explained again why the process of being media literate is so important and then he began to be more receptive to the concept. I do not think he will forget his coworker talking to him on how to be more media literate.


“The Grandmother Problem”

Correcting someone, especially an adult, with something that was done on a public platform can be tricky if you present yourself as a person who knows it all.  Firstly, people who post content on social media already feel that that is a place to share and express anything that the person wants to express. You must know exactly what steps it takes to approach the person who has made that mistake. 

1. Start With A Positive Approach. 

When approaching a person who has made a mistake, approach the person with a very positive outlook. Find something positive about what was posted and provide that positive feedback to that person. Allow for that person to feel good about what they posted and make them feel comfortable and appreciated for their contribution. The main objective is to have people contribute to society in a healthy way and we do not want to scare people away.

2. Ask To Share Comments. 

Be respectful of the person’s talent and their work. Before spitting out, “Here’s what you did wrong”, ask them, “May I please share some of my views and feedback on this”. Give them an option to be talked to. No one wants to be judged or criticized for the work that they have posted. Allow people to feel as if it is an option to have a conversation rather than a session in court. You want to engage them into a free-flowing, fluid conversation about what is being discussed.

3. Provide Good, Knowledgable Feedback If Accepted. 

People will tend to listen and accept information that is well presented and well thought out. If you sound like you know what you are talking about, the information will be received easier.  So for the specific situation of “The Grandmother Problem”, approach the situation as to why media should be shared in a more “caring” way and to be more aware of what is being shared.  People do not know how to find credible sources so give that information and knowledge.

Explain exactly what needs to be shared and even show examples of good content versus so so good content. Ask plenty of questions in an engaging manner and not so much of a “know it all” manner. There is an article that was written by Art Markman that explains a lot about how to approach people to correct a certain mistake and they give great tips.




Curation: Sources about Music and Charity.

Here is a list of sources that I curated about the effects of music and charity in the world. They consist of different sources and different events that happen, and these sources show why and how they are either great sources or not that great or a source.


  1. Blistein, Jon. “How Rage Against the Machine Are Trying to Beat Scalpers.” Rolling Stone, 14 Feb. 2020,


The article is mainly about how bands are basically cheated out of money by creating fake tickets and allowing charities to not get the money that is deserved. This source has been a reliable source of music news for years. This article contains actual quotes from the people that were interviewed. “Earlier this week, scalpers started posting tickets — before they’d even gone on sale “- Blistein


2.   Corey, Russ. “Music of Sam Phillips to Benefit Two Shoals Charitable Organizations.” TimesDaily, 13 Feb. 2020,


This article is about a band that has Sam Phillips music to perform and raise money for a specific charity. The source of this article seems to be pretty reliable because of the information that has been presented and where the information comes from. “It’s awesome people can come to support more than one charity,” – Manchester. It is basically providing advertisements for the band and the charity.


3.  CBS News. “Panic! at the Disco Lead Singer Brendon Urie Partners with Charity to Inspire Young Musicians.” CBS News, CBS Interactive, 8 Feb. 2020,


“Panic! at the disco” is a music band that is very well known around the world. This article is about the way the music band used their talents for a charitable cause. The source of this information seems to be legit because of where it is located which is CBS.


4.  “The Powerful Voices of the Yazidi Women’s Choir.” The Economist, The Economist Newspaper,

This powerful article describes the impact that music has on the world and on the women, who fled Iraq during the massacre of thousands of people. There many sources that support this source and there is even a video from MSN that supports this incredible source.

5. “What Role Do Record Labels Play In 2020?” Kerrang!,

This article is an article that talks about how the record labels contribute to the music world. This source would not be considered a reliable source for me because there really is no credibility here. This seems to be more of an opinionated piece of writing rather than factual information.

This class has actually taught me to truly understand the importance of finding a credible source to use to retrieve news from. This is such a problem that people have had and looking at Module one’s information and sources that were used, I definitely changed the way I choose my sources.

This is even regarding the different social media that is used because of many people posting so many unreal posts. You have to fact-check this information as well and be very media literate when it comes to Instagram and another social medium.



The effects of music on charity is enormous. When it comes to knowing what kind of charity is a great fit for a powerful musician, there is a science to that. Not necessarily rocket science, but definitely a game that has to be played.    There is a source of information that has been seen as something useful to understand a little more about the effects of music on a charity. How Music Influences Charity by F. Duke Haddad sheds a little light on how this works.

The article shares different examples of how music influences charity and people in general. An example would is when Haddad mentioned that the event and the situation have to “be memorable”. He mentioned a very creative British video that persuaded people to call a specific emergency when in trouble.     The whole purpose was to influence many people to understand how to use the emergency hotline correctly. Using music helps to have memorable circumstances. This source is used very well because the examples that are used are credible due to the fact that they provide great evidence.

This source also shares examples of different songs that were considered charitable songs. This consisted of Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie’s, “We Are the World” and many more. This article gives the credit to the appropriate people whose’ songs are mentioned. This writer has been writing for NonProfitPro for over eleven years and they have great experience in this field.

When it comes to the verification of the sources, it is not so much verified by a ton of sources, but it is also provided by an author who has great experience with sharing information about media and lecturing, according to NonProfitPro. This is a magazine company that covers many other events and other information that regards nonprofit news and the world of non-profit organizations. The way that this source provides the information presented in this piece of writing is very organized and well thought out. It is also very concise and to the point. The links that are used in this source are pretty well done. There is only one main link used and being that this source’s news report is a few years old, the lin did not directly link to the information that was talked about .

When trying to connect to one of the links that were placed into the news article, the link did not work for some reason I tried to restart the link, many times but the link still did not work. This kind of unfortunate event really makes the source seem not reliable. It really puts into question everything that the source has provided as a presentation about the topic at hand. On the other hand, the information that was provided about the different songs that were used as examples was very legit. If you look up the information that was shared in the article, you can then verify the information to make sure that it is very much credible information.


News and Opinion

Music plays a huge part in the way the world. Some of the ways that music plays its’ part is with marketing and advertising. Music goes very well when selling anything because people can easily remember the music that is associated with whatever is being sold.

Music can be a huge persuasion for people. For example, certain charity events such as Chime for Change uses music and musicians to help raise money for the cause.  Beyonce was one of the main supporters of this event and it brought so many people together. A great source would be from WWD‘s website that explains what the charity and is and how there were major influencers. This would be a source of news because they have reliable sources that were interviewed which was the Gucci creative director. This allows for there to be more credibility for the information that is being brought to the audience.

Another source of actual news that surrounds Chime for Change by Gucci would be the newsletter that the actual website from Chime for Change has. The newsletter shows and describes a lot about the events and the big names that attended the events. This is considered real news because of the one fact that the source has actually given the correct information that is associated with the charity.  The validity of the information is one hundred percent true because this is, in fact, the exact reason the charity is alive, because of the source writer.

Opinions and news are two completely different ways of receiving types of news. Opinions are a choice of words that point to judgment or view about something with no actual facts about what is being judged. When people read articles based on a person’s review, they have to understand how to decipher between what is factual and what is not true knowledge. An example of what an opinionated source could be is this blog called The Girls Are. This blog was written by Cheri Amour and it features some of how Amour feels about the entire charity and what happened. It also featured the bug names that were attached to the charity such as Jay Z and James Franco. This blog is considered an opinion because there would have to be some work to fact check how true the information is. Also, it is considered an opinion because Amour provides her opinion about how they felt about the entire event.

Interestingly, opinions can often be looked at as news if the opinion is strongly and intelligently worded. Often we as consumers consume a lot of unchecked opinions rather is on Instagram or Twitter. A lot of times, people really just do not know it and are just ignorant of much of the information that has been shared by different people. Another example of an opinion on Chime for Change would be this blog from Periscope which was written by Parker Shabala. This writing expresses the empowerment and shows the more positive and strong side of this huge event that was made to change the future for so many people. Again, opinions are typically judgements that people make on something that is not based on facts and this blog has just that. Some of the writing can be viewed as facts but must be checked for validity before considering what was read the first time actual news.

All in all, opinions versus news really makes a huge difference when it comes to understanding what is true in the world. There should definitely be more than one source of news and opinions in order to validate what is being researched. That is something that I really take into consideration and I find it very helpful in my everyday life.


The Effects of Music and Celebrities on the Masses

The topic of the effects of music on the youth can get very deep. Music is presented on all types of media platforms. The musicians also play a keep role when it comes to media platforms. Media platforms thrive off of music and the celebrities that create these pieces of influential tracks that go onto represent the people of the youth. Musicians can carry a huge amount of powerful influence that can pretty much help “raise” children and even influences major corporations and politics. 

Music can be a huge selling tool when it comes to retail. Music is something that people can relate to and music is a true bond between all people. Music can be found in movies, television shows, on a radio in the car, on your cellular device, and many more places that are easily accessible by the masses. Music and celebrities can agglomerate many people and things. For example, a charity event called Chime for Change is used to raise money to fight against inequality for women. Powerful musicians were a part of this amazing organization to help promote the massive foundation.

The media typically grasps stories about famous musicians that can lure in readers and listeners to gain views and high ratings. Social media is a huge part of how celebrities make a living other than just music. Instagram has many if not, all of the celebrities partaking in the activities on that social media. So many people that are in the world are pointing their attention to this mega-monster that celebrities come here to make a huge impact on their brand and their music as well. 

YouTube is a HUGE platform to which musicians place their art and persuade the people of this earth t the best of their ability. YouTube allows people to share their own videos that they create and can profit from it when it is a profitable source. Many people who are on YouTube do not even share music, they may share videos of a make-up tutorial which is again, very accessible to many people and can influence so many who use this platform. 

Facebook is another huge platform that many people are influenced by the music and the celebrities that partake in this forever evolving time of internet and social media. Facebook is used to present many ads and promotions for a lot of things such as music and many other retail items. There are so many different platforms that help play a part in the influence of many people that use them as consumers. 



My Media Use

As a media consumer int the morning:

I woke up and got dressed to go to the office without opening any forms of social media. When I get to work, I immediately open my email on my cell phone to sort through all emails. I also open up Instagram and scroll for about 10 minutes. What I saw was news about a new movie called Bad Boys 3 starring Martin Lawrence and Will Smith. I also look at the CNN posts on Instagram to see what our president is currently doing with our nation.  The next thing that I pull up (and I usually do not on a daily basis) is to open up in Facebook to see any updates on news and family and friends.


In the afternoon, close to about 11:30 am, I open up Instagram on my cell phone to check any updates on Beyoncés new clothing line that has everyone so excited for new clothing. I also see more posts about the wildfires in Australia as well as Brazil from CNN’s Instagram page.

During Lunch:

I open my emails on my phone to see if I received any news alert or important emails from anyone. Once I do that, I open up Instagram again to see what has been updated. Once I scroll through and see more CNN posts about the terrorist threats from Iran, I see more news about celebrities such as Kylie Jenners‘ new lip kit out for sale.

After lunch:

I return to my desk and take some time to search the Yahoo! webpage on my work computer to see what kind of news is available. I see more information about the President and how he is tweeting more of his opinions on Twitter. I also take a look at some news posts on Yahoo! to see what is being done about the impeachment process of President Trump.

Late Afternoon:

I open up my phone and activate the Instagram application to view any news updates on any celebrity or world news. I pay attention to the quick posts that CNN provides about the news that happens around the world. I will view more information about the president as well as some news about how the royal family has broken up.

Ranking: The sources that I use to retrieve news can be very hit or miss. Instagram can be a source that I rank a 3 for credibility just because the people can post anything and call it “news”. The Yahoo website has a ranking of 8 because I truly believe that most of the information provided is more accurate because that is their main focus. I also am a little skeptical because I cannot completely figure out where the information is coming from and if it is 100% true.  CNN’s page on Instagram I can rate an 8 because their main profession is getting accurate news.
