
MCO 425 week 1 post



Saturday August 24th was a pretty busy day for me so I did not spend a lot of time online. I was busy visiting with friends and family for my birthday and when I am with others I try to live in the moment and not be on my phone as often as when I’m alone. I do always start my day on my phone, Saturday was no different.

6am- woke up and checked Instagram and Twitter. Watched a video on CNN about our Trump. Watched all my friends Instagram stories from the night before. (Typically I go to Twitter for all my news. I always check what is trending)
7:30am- driving in car to my parents I checked my emails and Facebook. Read a couple school related emails and clicked on one from lululemon about a sale. Went to their website to look at some pants but didn’t order them
8:00am- checked Twitter again. Read an article about Tom Ford that Vogue had tweeted about. Decided to share it via iMessage with my husband.
8:15am- my husband and I listened to an interview from Elizabeth warren on we found on Twitter. It was about 8 minutes long.
11:36am- bored right before lunch. I checked Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook- scanned all my close friends posts. Spent about 20 minutes on social media. Liked 7 on Instagram and none on any other platform. Clicked on a link Marianne Williamson shared on her Instagram that took me too her website
3:00Pm in the car driving again. I opened Apple Music and streamed Taylor Swift’s new album Lover for 1 hour.

6:30pm- at dinner with friends. I posted a pic of our private room on Instagram to my story and shared our location. Then I checked my feed. Liked 1 picture
10:46pm- shared a video of my friends and myself at Topgolf to Snapchat and Instagram.

12:30pm- got home. Watched Netflix before falling asleep

Throughout the day I used quite a few different places to gather news from, on a sale from 1-10 this is how i rate their creditability.

Twitter – 4 – Twitter is a great place to find what people  saying but that doesn’t alway been everything is true. Anyone can say anything on twitter and it could become viral.

Facebook-3- Facebook like Twitter, is a place where people got to share their opinions more often that facts or the reality of things. A lot of fake news is shared on facebook. -9- CNN is a professional network that pays experienced journalists to report on facts from an unbiased point of view. I love CNN and typically turn to them for my news daily. – 6- Marianne Williamson is a women who is running for president in 2020. Her website is ran by her staff and while I am sure they share true facts it comes from a bias background.


My Media Use… D23

My Media Use:

Recently, I was given the opportunity to go to D23, the Disney convention. Someone had bought me a ticket and I just went for one the one day, so may day mostly consisted of checking the D23 Instagram page for updates on what to do because I had never gone before and I honestly didn’t know where to start or what to do. It was a little overwhelming!

Waking up, I quickly checked Instagram to see if there were any updates and if I had to prepare for anything before heading over to the convention center.

Once at the convention center, we are brought down to the basement, filed into a line to wait. Mind you, it is 5:00 AM. Let me repeat that. FIVE O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING. I walk in to see hundreds of people sleeping on the hard ground; they have been there since last night. It reminds me of a disaster shelter.

There are food stations located on both ends. I spot the coffee station and make a beeline for it. As I wait in line, I pull out my phone, (thank god for the cell service down there) I open up Instagram, check the D23 page to see if there are any updates, there aren’t, it’s too early, and go through my feed.

Once I go though Instagram, I pull up Twitter. I recently tweeted, so I had a couple of notifications, check those. Taylor Swift’s new album “Lover” came out, and she is trending and is taking up most of my feed, which is fine, but after reading about that for a while, I close it out, and check Facebook.

The line moves to where we need to go in the convention, so I unfortunately have to run out of the coffee line to get back into the other line with friends. I open Snapchat post an update video in excitement.


Throughout the day, I check Instagram, specifically the D23 page for updates, the D23 app, for information on where to go, and Snapchat to post interesting things that I see at the convention, because there were some very creative people, in regards to their costumes, at the convention!

I would rate the Instagram page, @D23, a 10 for the information I received as a consumer. The whole day it gave me accurate information on what they had available to guests of the convention and what I wasn’t able to get to on both their Instagram Stories and the posts they posted on their media site. I would also rate the D23 app an 8 for the information I received. It was accurate, but the instagram for me provided more information because it was easier to navigate


One Entire Day of my Media Use


August 23, 2019

I woke up around 7:15 on this particular morning, and the first thing I did was check my phone. I went to twitter first and scrolled through my feed, catching glimpse of the recent news that after some disagreement between Sony and Disney, Spiderman was no longer going to be part of the Marvel universe. This story sparked my interest, so I read through a few posts from sources such as Entertainment Weekly and Deadline Hollywood.

After about 15 minutes of this, I needed to get ready for work- but after I realized my husband was in the bathroom, I went to Reddit to kill some more time. I scrolled through some more posts about the Spiderman news, as well as some different types of stories and memes from subreddits I am subscribed too. After about another 20 minutes of this, I got a news notification from my news app that delivered the top news of the day, but I didn’t open the app to go more in depth since my husband came out of the bathroom around this time.

On the way to work, I listened to my “release radar” playlist on my Spotify, since I get a new version of the playlist every Friday. When I got to work, I checked my twitter one last time before I clocked in. Since Starbucks is a fast paced job, I never really have time to check my phone at work except on my breaks, when is when I check my usual social media apps: Twitter, e-mail, reddit, and instagram. I get off at 5 PM, and I listen to more music on the drive home.

Once at home, I start doing some laundry I had been putting off. When I fold laundry I like watching youtube, so I turned on my TV, opened the youtube app, and settled in on my bed. I went to catch up with my go-to youtubers, most recent videos, with my favorites being Jenna Marbles, Kurtis Conner, and Joana Ceddia. Around 6 PM I was done with my laundry, and I checked my phone, once again going to twitter and reddit, then going on to play a few rounds of candy crush.

After eating dinner with my husband, we settled in at about 8 PM and turned on Hulu, watching a show we’ve recently gotten into called Letterkenny. We watched a few episodes, then turned on The Office on Netflix as background noise as we went to bed.

After tracking my media use for a day, I realized just how much I rely on my phone and TV for entertainment. I use my phone almost constantly, whether I am actively checking it for my social media, or using it for music while I’m driving.  I also realized that I get a lot of information through my twitter and reddit apps. While these apps often have news articles on them, it’s often difficult to figure out whether or not these sources are reliable, since there are often a lot of different people relaying the information, and it’s hard to trace it back to the source. So if I were to give my definitive ranking on how credible my media sources are, I would rank both twitter and reddit a 4, since I would most likely have to do some more research on whether or not what I was reading was true. I am ranking my news app a 10, since I trust this app to give me accurate information every time I open it.


Janet’s first post on MCO 425 Blog

Hi, this is my first post here.


A day in the life…

Disclaimer:  I am so sorry that this will be extremely boring for everyone reading it.

I first read a couple articles on The Athletic app about the upcoming hockey season, and since I had my phone in my hand that immediately turned into an aimless scroll through Instagram. (The aimless Instagram scroll is nearly every morning.)  Facebook followed closely behind, though I did click on several articles on the KFVS-12 (a news channel broadcasting from the Southeast Missouri/Southern Illinois area where I’m from) about a car accident.  I generally also check my email around this time as well, and delete what isn’t important.

After getting ready for work, I turned on Netflix to watch an episode (maybe two) of Better Call Saul.  When that ended, I switched over to Hulu to play a few episodes of Letterkenny, a Canadian comedy,  while I straightened up my apartment and took the syllabus quiz for this class.  By that time, it was time for me to leave for work.

As I was driving into work, I put my phone in it’s cradle and streamed an episode of the Spittin’ Chiclets podcast on Spotify.  While at work, I still had Spotify on, though not on the podcast, just a playlist of my favorite artists.  Occasionally, I would pick my phone up and scroll through Instagram or Twitter.  I read an article (via Twitter) on about the people living near the Amazon devastation.

Reddit is also a time killer.  While I’m not busy I will scroll through the site, reading different threads.  Generally my favorite are the different hockey subs I subscribe to and AskReddit.  I saw a YouTube link to the trailer for the  Netflix original movie El Camino: A Breaking Bad, which I got super excited about.

I also looked at, a SB Nation site that is focused on the Arizona Coyotes that has different writers writing about the team and various happenings within.  When it gets closer to hockey season, the articles ‘grading’ the trades over the summer increase.  There is more speculation about how teams will do the upcoming season.

That leads me to my drive home.  I used Apple music this time and listened to the new Taylor Swift album, Lover.  It’s ok.

As far as news outlets go, I don’t read very much news.  Occasionally I will read stories from my hometown, or if a national headline catches my eye I’ll look at it.   I’m not completely unaware as to what is happening in the world though, I do have awareness.   As little as I read news, I watch it even less.  When I do look at new sites, I try to make sure that they’re trusted sites.  If I’m not sure of the source, I certainly don’t share it.





A Reflection on my News

Friday the 23rd, the world woke up to the news of David Koch’s death and the flurry of news surrounding his departure. The Twitterverse exploded with the news, with his name trending consistently throughout the day. Both Fox News Business and CBS offered official reports and sent out push notifications. This news, along with the usual entertainment stories I skip on my Instagram feed and Snap Chat story, lead into the morning run of the Daily Show. While political satire is still looked down upon, the show displayed an array of primary sources, most notably C-SPAN, and less trustworthy but more accessible sources like MSNBC. After my courses for the day, I work as a debate coach for a local high school, in which one of my responsibilities is to research the topic of debate. This resolution focused on China’s One Road Initiative. Which lead me to more academic, less popularized and less traditional sources like Vox News and Wendover Productions, and foreign sources including China’s Shanghai Media Group. This bit of research concluded the news for me that day.

The main enhancement the media gives me is the ability to break away from my life perspective and rebuild it, more secure than ever. One way I change my perspective this is by watching the Vice Snap Chat story. Vice’s snap is not held to a high journalistic standard; mainly running highly specific, niche audience stories that appeal to youths. I, usually, find it shallow and unfulfilling. But viewing these stories teaches me patience and acceptance. Others help creatively. Others just make me laugh. To rebuild my perspective, I read more academic news. These range from more mainstream, classic journalism like the British Broadcasting Company,  to niche, cause based advocacy articles, like the World Health Organization. These hard-hitting pieces arm me with the necessary logical, ethical and factual aspects of a situation to accrue a half decent opinion on an issue.

The range of sites I trust within my day of observation vary wildly. First, I feel it necessary to define trust as not how much of the article is composed with factual or truthful aspects, but as how much faith I have in their integrity in their reporting, researching and dissemination of the information. With that, I wouldn’t place non-journalistic entertainment properties on social media, (E.I. Barstool Sport, Vice News, etc.) as journalistic pieces with trust as a foundational component of their mission. Expanding beyond that, My most trusted sources would begin with the more academic sources. Wendover Productions would score a nine on the trust scale with Vox closely trailing with an eight. Both organizations internalize the journalistic process and issue the necessary redactions on pieces on their work isn’t accurate, but Vox has an observable bias towards a liberal ideology. Media outlets such as CBS, MSNBC and Fox News score at a 5 for me. These organizations produce great works of journalism, but is buried under punditry, commercials and political divide. However, shows like The Daily Show also score highly with a six. As media progresses, I believe these political satire shows will increasingly become viewers first encounters with news topics, and the segments produced are largely researched in a similar manner as well as providing more primary sourcing in a more accessible manner than traditional news media. Yet, it is still an entertainment piece, and is burdened by the need for profits. Yet, is that so much different than other news shows without a live audience?



Tracking My Media Diet for 24 Hours

On Wednesday August 21 I tracked my media usage, both what I produced and what I consumed. As it was my day off and I am in my first week of fall classes my media habits were a bit different than they are most days. I will address where I deviated from my typical routine later in this post.

My Media Diet Log

7:45 A.M.I woke up and checked my Facebook for notifications then caught up on my Instagram feed and stories on my phone. While I check the feed throughout the day, I only check stories once when I wake up and once before bed. After I was done checking social media I checked my email and remembered I needed to re-enroll for health insurance through work so I did that on my phone’s Internet browser. This all took around 20 minutes.

8:15 A.M. I left my house to head to an appointment and listened to a local radio station along the way. I typically listen to a pop station. When I got out of appointment around 9:00 I listened to the radio again on my way home.

9:15 A.M. Because it was my day off, my husband and I watched an episode of “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” on Amazon Prime while we ate breakfast when I got home.

11:00 A.M. We headed to a local coffee shop. While there I read the assigned reading for this class and then watched the lecture videos. I also posted my introductory discussion post for my class. My husband let me snap a few candid pictures of him on my phone.

1:00 P.M. We headed home for round two of “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” while my husband ate lunch. Typically, we would not watch two episodes within a few hours of each other but we were at the season finale and were on the edge of our seats.

2:00 P.M. My friend and I met for lunch. I caught a short snippet of an NPR segment on gun control, but not enough to understand the particular conversation they were having. I trust NPR’s work, but I know that they still occasionally make mistakes.

6:00 P.M. I began work on my French class using the website for the textbook we are using and posting an introductory discussion post for the class.

8:00 P.M. I made myself some dinner and turned on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver videos on YouTube. I like to watch Last Week Tonight to get a general understanding of an issue, but I often will further research the issue. His segments are relatively short for the complexity of issues he addresses so I find it best to further research. I caught up on the local news on the KIMT (my local news) website. They are good for local news, but their resources are limited and there are many inexperienced reporters on staff. I also read the Daily Briefing on The New York Times which I like to use when I do not have much time to read the news. Their work is mostly credible and I like that the Daily Briefing gives the most relevant news quickly.

Some Reflections on My Media Diet

Perhaps the biggest thing I noticed was that I take in more media than I put out. I occasionally post a picture to Instagram, rarely post a Facebook status, and daily write for school and for personal enjoyment, but not as much as I access media. I also noticed most of my media usage was Internet based. I do not have cable, so my only interaction with broadcast media is typically if my radio is on in the car. On a typical day I  read the news on my phone more frequently than on this particular day because I’ll check the news on my breaks at work. I also will usually also watch a variety of YouTube videos, both for entertainment and to learn new skills. My husband and I also tend to look at memes on Reddit before bed.


24-Hour Media Use

Hi Everyone!

I spent my day yesterday monitoring my media use for 24 hours. I started when I woke up and finished as I was going to bed. I’ve kept track of my usage by time of day listed below.

9:07am Woke up and immediately checked my email, Instagram feed and Facebook feed. My sister and I Snapchat rather than text, so I sent her a Snapchat around this time.

One thing I noticed was the amount of Sponsored Posts on both Instagram and Facebook, I didn’t see a lot of posts this early from my close friends. A few friends on Facebook were sharing stories about the Amazon Rainforest fires. And I saw a video about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her position, but I didn’t pay much attention to it.

9:30am Turned on Netflix as I had a very lazy start to my morning, watched an episode of Parks & Rec while scrolling through Instagram again. During this time I used an app to pay my credit card bill.

10:00am Log onto My ASU to begin working on classes for the day. I receive a few email notifications on my laptop for various sales.

10:30-11:00am  I continue working on my classes, and I read a chapter of my textbook for computer literacy. I check my personal email again during this time.

11:00am  I sent a few more Snapchats back and forth with my sister.

12:00pm I make myself lunch and scroll through my Facebook while I eat. I see a sponsored post from The Home Depot, nothing else too out of the ordinary. Lots of posts that friends shared or status updates.

12:30pm I began work on my photography class, and watched some videos that the professor posted. They led to external sites where a few ads popped up as I was watching, one for Samsung and one for Android not too long after.

12:45pm More Snapchat

1:04pm Checks Facebook again while watching another video for class. At this point I became aware as I was opening Instagram and stopped myself, I realized how quickly I reach for social media when I get slightly bored.

2pm Turned on TV and started watching SpongeBob. I saw an article on Facebook saying that in 45 years we have killed more than 60% of wildlife. I clicked on it and saw it was from 2016 from a site called Condé Nast Traveler, which I have never heard of.

Commercials on TV we directed at children, not surprisingly, so lots of Nerf guns and Lego sets.

2:30pm I took the syllabus quiz

3:00pm I got ready for work and checked Instagram every 10 minutes or so.

4:00pm I arrive at work and send a few Snapchats, text and scroll on Facebook and Instagram one last time since my phone has to be locked away.

8:00pm Got off work early, check phone and head to friend’s house. Here I wasn’t on my phone as much as usual since I was with a bunch of people, but I still checked every now and again.

11:00pm Once I am ready for bed I check Facebook one last time and see more news on the Amazon and ads for apartments.

Since my days change so frequently, it is difficult to set routines and limit media exposure. I think this post highlights a semi-average looking day for me. I didn’t visit too many news sites or stumble upon them in my day-to-day experience so my rankings list may be small.

Facebook 3/10

Snapchat Not really applicable

Instagram 5/10

Condé Nast Traveler 4/10

Email 6/10

TV 6/10

This assignment really was challenging because a lot of the time I spend on social media, it is because I am bored and mindlessly scrolling. I hope this helps me be more aware of the time I spend online and be more conscious about my media consumption.


My First Post

It’s my first post!


Timothy’s 24-Hour Media Consumption

A few years ago, I gave myself the challenge to not use my computer in the morning, unless it was absolutely necessary. However, I inevitably still use my iPhone throughout the day. While being on my computer set a specific mood for the day, being on my phone hasn’t done that, because it’s easier to glance at and put away a moment later. In fact, waking up and checking various apps has been a helpful means to ready myself for the day. Instead of reading the newspaper during breakfast like people used to, we can access news on our devices.

8:30 a.m. 

After my alarm went off, I woke up and checked Twitter to see if there were any major news stories that occurred over the night since I went to bed. There were no big trending topics that weren’t trending the day before. I proceeded to check my Gmail and then Reddit. Finally, I checked Instagram and got up to get ready for the day. There wasn’t much new on any of the platforms. This routine has become somewhat of an OCD tendency to do first thing every morning, to have a sense of being in the loop and not isolated.

9:25 a.m.

After I got ready, I received a text message about new Star Wars footage that had debuted at D23, a promotional Disney convention held near Disneyland. The link I was sent came from Twitter, so I was directed to the app and watched this quick 10 second clip.

9:35 a.m.

I proceeded to check my YouTube app’s subscriptions to see if there were any new uploads but I didn’t watch anything that was posted.

10:00 a.m.

As per normal, I ate breakfast and made coffee while listening to a few podcasts through the Podcast App. This particular morning, I listened to the new episode of Write Along, a podcast featuring writing advice.

10:30 a.m.

Afterwards, I noticed on my Spotify app that another podcast I used to listen to often had an episode posted about the ongoing Spider-Man/Sony/Disney negotiations. The podcast is called Slash Film Daily, which is run by a film news website based largely in Los Angeles, but has contributors across the country. I listened to it for about 15 minutes before turning it off and continuing about my day.

10:50 a.m.

Unlike most mornings, I turned on my computer because I remembered I had a few assignments due that night on Canvas.

11:30 a.m.

As I worked on some quick “first week” type assignments, I checked Twitter to see if there had been any interesting news, film-wise or in the world. However, it was a pretty quiet Friday. Usually, big studio stories are announced earlier in the week as many people in the industry have three-day weekends and deals are typically reported on Monday through Thursday.

12:41 p.m.

Among the many blogs I follow, one I read from time to time is The Gospel Coalition, a Christian-based blog which posts theological articles covering a variety of topics. I read an interview that had been posted from someone in my church.

1:30 p.m.

Following lunch, I went back to working on some Canvas assignments as to avoid any course work over the coming weekend.

2:50 p.m.

Having completed my homework for the week on Canvas, I gave myself a break and got off my computer for a while to hang out with friends.

6:00 p.m.

When I returned home, I did my morning routine again, checking Twitter and Reddit. I proceeded to check Gmail and then Instagram to watch a few Instastories and keep up to date with other friends and people I follow.

7:00 p.m.

To close out my day, I went on Amazon Prime Video to find something to watch. As per normal, I spent way too long of a time deciding what to watch, but I eventually settled on We Own The Night, a Joaquin Phoenix film.

7:21 p.m.

As I watched the film, I multitasked and looked up Twitter. I saw an article shared by EaterLA and clicked on it. A well-known San Fransisco coffee shop would soon be opening a shop in Downtown LA.

9:34 p.m.

Before I went to bed, I spent some more time browsing multiple film news publishers such as The Hollywood Reporter and Deadline.


Overall, I think my news sources are trustworthy. Slash Film Daily often relies on other reports from sites such as The Hollywood Reporter and Deadline, which get their information directly from industry insiders and press releases. I would rate all of my sources a 9/10 as even the most reputable sites can make mistakes. Generally, they have been reliable sites to follow for film news.
