students Week One

Identifying My Media Use

As a barista I am usually awake and out the door by 4:15am, but today I was able to sleep in!  I woke up at 5:00am after hearing 6 of my iPhone’s slowly rise alarm sounds.  After stopping the alarms, I check my empty email, scroll through Instagram, and reply to some texts that I received from last night.  I get ready for work, and at 5:30am I turn on Hulu so that my dog, Milo, can watch HGTV while I am at work.

I am fortunate to live very close to work, so by 5:45am I am sipping on my first Americano and scrolling through Instagram again.  Throughout my shift the store music plays a Starbucks Spotify station called Coffeehouse Classics.  At 9am, I spend my ten-minute break sipping on Americano number two and scrolling through my Instagram and Facebook feed.

At the end of my shift, I make a phone call and respond to some texts.  Once I’m home, I begin to make lunch with Spotify’s This is Kacey Musgraves playlist playing in the background.  Once lunch is made, I sit down and flip to Vanderpump Rules on Hulu.  I am one of those people that does other things while the TV is on in the background, so once I finish eating, I begin tidying up my house and prepare to start on coursework.  Once the show is over I bring my full attention to Canvas and work on my Arizona State University courses.

I spend a few hours on my courses before I start getting the eyes from my dog indicating it’s time for a walk and dinner.  I bundle us up for the Wisconsin weather and grab my headphones to continue the playlist I started earlier.  Once we get back, I feed him dinner, do a quick at home workout, shower, and eat.

It’s now around 7pm so I continue on with coursework for an hour or so before switching over to watch The Office on Netflix.  While I am watching the show I text and scroll through Instagram and Facebook before calling it a night.

What I notice:

As I reflect on my media use, I don’t really notice any news media.  Occasionally the New York Times will grab my attention on Instagram, but that didn’t happen today.  Sometimes my mom will send me really old articles on Facebook, but that also didn’t happen today.  My feeds are mostly made up of various lifestyle influencers that specialize in vegan cooking, dogs, or travel.  I only interacted with two posts made by my friends.


Brittany’s first post on MCO 425 blog

Greetings, this is my first post. It looks like my MCO 425 blog set up was a success.


My first post!

This is my first blog post, and a test to make sure everything is working properly. Excited to start the class and to begin bloggig.





Hello world!

Hello, welcome to my blog! This is a test post 🙂


Heather’s first post on MCO 425 blog

Hi, I’m Heather.  This is my first blog post.


Janasia’s 24hrs of media

I wake up around 10am and immediately checked my e-mail. My mom keeps MSNBC on the television pretty much the entire day so I listen to that while I finish waking up around 11am. Once I’m up and ready at 12pm I get on Instagram to check on my friends’ stories and posts. I watch whatever is on MSNBC until I have to leave for work at 2pm. Before I start work I check Instagram or Twitter one more time as I’m not allowed to be on my phone while I’m working. After trading hours of my human life for a compensation I get a break. My break is usually around 5:15pm and it’s only 15 minutes long so I just listen to music on Spotify. I get off around 8pm and check instagram before I drive home. While I drive home I listen to podcasts on Spotify. Currently I am Listening to the Good Ancestor Podcast. I’m home before 9pm but now i’m tasked with dinner. I’m not very good at making dinner nor do I ever feel motivated to do so. In attempts to motivate myself I watch cooking videos on Youtube for 30 or so minutes or until I decide what I want to make. I like to have dinner done by 10pm. Which seems so late but I work really late so it make sense for me. After dinner I like to watch Youtube, Hulu, or MSNBC. I keep up with shows on a weekly basis so I really like Hulu for that but, as I mentioned before, if I feel like watching the news MSNBC is always on and is usually interesting to me. I’ll fall asleep to a show usually but I don’t typically go to bed until 12am or 1am. I consume content like this daily and I’d say this is pretty accurate for a work day. On my day off I’d say I consume much more media than I probably need to if I’m being honest.

As far as creating content goes I don’t do so on a daily basis but when I do it’ll be a day that I have off so I can take my time. I like to edit my own photos and create my own captions as well. I can usually knock out one post over the span of 3 hrs.  I take time throughout the whole day to curate my instagram stories. I really like them to be informative so I seek out posts on the subjects I’m looking for.


Alexis’s First MCO 425 Blog Post

It’s my first post!


A Sunday in My Life

If you’ve heard the weather reports lately, New York just had its hottest January weekend on record in awhile. It was beautiful, spring weather but after looking back at my media usage, I spent most of the gorgeous Sunday on my phone. Yikes!

As with most days, I woke up around 7:30 am and started the day going through my social medias. I bounced between Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat, just trying to catch up on all the drama from the night before. After I’ve had enough on my phone, at around 8am I put on the TV to watch Good Morning America. I got up, fed, and walked my dog and then got back in to bed to catch up on some Youtube Videos from around 10am -11am. Now between this time, I was also bouncing around on my phone from social media platforms to the addictive IOS Mario Kart game.

At around 12pm, I went out to lunch with my mom and we took a nice photo of us. She also showed me a New York Times article  on her phone and we discussed it for a little while. Once lunch was over at 2:30pm, I had to turn on the Waze app to get home because a road on my usual route was blocked off. Once I got home, I turned on CNN in an attempt to get my life on track after a pretty lazy morning. By 4pm, I was back on my phone uploading a blog post to my personal website and answering a few emails for clients that I am working with.

At 5pm I made a Hello Fresh meal and I took my puppy on another walk around our neighborhood. I watched World News with David Muir on TV at 6:30 and then I shut off my phone for the night but only after checking socials one more time. One of my new year’s resolutions was to turn off my phone at night, except for emergency phone calls and so far that goal is going pretty well.

After looking back at my Sunday, I definitely let myself have more time on my devices then I do during the week. I did look at some news websites and shows which I feel like can be seen as an important media that should be looked at each day. The most credible new program I watched that day I feel like was World News. There’s not usually any opinion in his reporting, it is just the news so I believe it should be ranked 10. For me, I believe that 9 should be given to the New York Times. I often look to it for 24/7 news and I believe that it does report honestly but sometimes with an opinion. I think CNN should be ranked as 9 also because sometimes it can be diluted with personal opinions based on what show you are watching. Finally, I would not necessarily rank Good Morning America as a credible news source only because they do news and a bunch of other things but I will place them as 6 only because they do report on what is currently happening but I do not consider them in the same category of the other news sources I watched that day.

Overall, I did spend a lot of that gorgeous Sunday on my phone and TV but I think that’s what Sundays are for. They are a day for relaxing and letting yourself indulge a little before the week starts. I am proud that I actually did look at a few actual news sources because I wasn’t sure that I would look at anything other than social media platforms for news and entertainment!




Janasia’s first post!

Hello, this is my first post here.
