
Module 8: Security

online security of our private information and data is necessary. I do not feel comfortable that sites like facebook track what I do even when not on their site. Lucky for me I quit and removed my account several years ago. Protecting ourselves online to some degree isn’t talked about enough.  Here I will discuss what forms of security I currently use and what I plan to do to change it.

As of today, I currently have a bluebook on a private external hard drive that has an encrypted database with usernames, passwords, and emails to website accounts I use regularly. In addition to keeping important pictures of family and friends on my external hard drive.  For me having them in one place for safekeeping makes me feel at ease. I have poor memory, so keeping up with every website and account is impossible.I have 2 different anti-virus and web protections programs and a VPN. I don’t use the VPN regularly as some sites for school and work require I use certain browsers. use of a VPN requires a paid subscription. Currently, I’ve been pretty lax about the amount of security I put for myself. At worst I have automatic login for online shopping and at best I change my passwords from old accounts to updated stronger ones. While I am worried about being hacked, I do feel like it’s inevitable. Passwords for me are typically long and have a variety of numbers, letters, and symbols. Which strangely isn’t common. I do this as I have gotten an old email hacked. luckily for me, it was an account I no longer use.  My view makes is harder for hackers and put a solid barrier to what is important to you and what’s important to hackers to gain  access.

Where I could improve upon is to stop using automatic log-in’s and use a search engine that gives me privacy. I rely too much on engines like google for simple searches. I could also renew my VPN subscription. Most importantly research how organizations use my data. I think I’ve been hesitant to improve because there is that feeling of it that will happen anyway. Mostly due to the lack of trust I have in organizations and platforms. We have seen breaches happen again and again but little to no effort to make customers and users feel safe. there is little safety net for us. While settlements might give some financial relief, but the emotional strain and overall distrust never really goes away. Feelings of exposure and violated loom about. I always feel vulnerable even when I feel like I did what I could on my part but how much are organizations making sure they are fully doing there part? That feeling of distrust and at-risk never really go away, when so often breached happen.

while I don’t think it’s necessary to scrub your data clean and go off the grid. I think evaluating what more you can do to give you the ease of mind when online.



Extra Credit: The Grandmother Problem

I had a hard time doing this assignment as I’m not too active on social media and majority if not all of my friends on twitter are very media literate. They are young professionals who are aware of how false news can be shared.

However, recently this came across my timeline from a mutual friend who addressed the person for sharing fake news. I also attempted using the plan I created in a previous post. While I don’t think that particular person cares if they share fake news or not, more people will see the reply I made to show that this is an inaccurate post.


Module 7: Blogging Assignment

Imagine waking up trying to access your favorite website blocked nationally. While this might seem extreme and unrealistic in the united states it a reality in many places. While we are protected by first amendment rights to free speech censorship of certain websites or the ability to share your ideas blocked or removed.  Censorship can negatively affect the media we access and what we are allowed to say or do.

Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites overwhelmingly lean moderate or liberal.  As a user who leans liberal I didn’t have a problem with this until I noticed how people with conservative opinions be shunned. While I don’t agree with their political stance, I do believe they deserve an equal opportunity to do so.  This of course without the spread of fake news and harmful, abusive rhetorics.  Censorship in some cases can be damaging and limits out first amendment right. However, opening the door to one case can lead to all of our voices being muted. Social media has allowed movements to gain attention and awareness to a broader audience. Would Black victims get their mention without public online outcry? If censorship of social media platforms continues to rise, voices of more vulnerable groups are at risk of being muted. Even when now more than ever voices that did not have platforms have the ability to express online with the potential to share globally.

As discussed in previous modules media platforms can easily remove your ability to have your identity online. Hosting your own site for your own individual profession or personal use can help combat censorship. But also stress the importance of free speech. Digital spaces are an open marketplace for thoughts, ideas to be said and shared with everyone. If that were to disappear our voices go with it. The transparency and access of the internet is needed and necessary as it functions for users.

Others argue that censorship help combats harmful activities online and helps stop fake news. Properly educating ourselves and others to be more media literate and understand proper online etiquette is valuable. Censorship puts people in a have or have-nots situation and displays who’s ideas and information is worthy over others. But, if we strive to view sharing information and ideas as open and do our own due diligence in understanding the core values of free speech and civil discourse. otherwise we put ourselves at risk of our basic rights being limited or infringed upon.  While in some cases that are harmful to society at large is understandable but creating a new precedent of removing people’s thoughts and ideas that follow guidelines and terms of service of platforms is dangerous.

I believe this is dangerous as it can cause a new norm where the internet is no longer used by all.


Module 6: Wikipedia Hands-On

As a long-time user of Wikipedia as a resource, I have a greater appreciation for the communities and users who have spent countless hours creating articles. This was my first time editing a wiki page and I don’t think I would again.

While the interface for editing isn’t too difficult to navigate it isn’t the most user-friendly in comparison to WordPress, Tumblr or any other online community forum. While the guidelines for edits, talk page and citations were easy to understand it was easier said than done. I honestly found it quite frustrating working on the page I chose. I selected the Daily Breeze, a local southern California newspaper. I thought this was an appropriate choice as this class is media literacy and my respect for journalism has increased over the years as a mass communications student.

navigating the Talk page was difficult. it’s not cut and dry when searching of where exactly to add a comment or what goes where. this alone lead to some trepidation to continue. It looked like something already developed and absent of anything to do. To me, it looked like a guide for resources of topic or subject of the article itself.

secondly, I had a hard time finding what would be poignet to include in the article. when using the search engine many articles had a class ranking of how developed it was. For me trying to expand neutral information to any article was hard to manage. More often than not on even the most smaller articles they were expanded to where I felt it was complete. While adding a new fact about something might have been interesting I didn’t feel it improved the article as a whole. I was able to include new information but I think this process would have been easier if this was a new article. Building upon something, in my opinion, is much more difficult.

While this is my first time on Wikipedia as an editor I don’t think this is something I would return to. Each step just felt like a mission or a daunting task. However, this experience has opened my eyes to those building wiki pages.  Especially upon learning female editors are a  small number of the community and some like Emily Temple-Wood who received harassment for her work. While I had difficulty as a complete novice I hope that beyond the initial tutorials and sandbox there are more user-friendly guides for those to help build, correct and review pages.



Module 6: The Grandmother Problem

As we take time to elevate our own media literacy it is important to bring along our friends and family. We all have that one uncle or innocent grandmother who will see a headline on an questionable news source and share that aliens are among us on facebook. How can solve this problem without causing hurt feelings or disgruntled angry online exchanges? Here I will discuss 5 steps that I developed called A.P.E.S. to encourage “share with care” with your friends and family.

  1. Applaud
  2. Provide
  3. Explain & Encourage
  4. Share

Applaud them for sharing digital information. It’s amazing that today multi-generations of people are using digital platforms and sharing information online with each other. these are people we care about so its much more sensitive to talk to someone that is sharing false information. Applauding them for even doing so makes them feel better but also doesn’t hurt their feelings. We want to make them feel like their opinion and the information they share is valid. Especially older relative or close friend.

Provide them with some credible resources or tools that you use. For example, growing up my parents and grandparents listen to NPR. Now as an adult I listen to NPR as well. Giving the people your closest with a foundation of places to go to for information. This can limit the amount of faux information they share. They actually might end up preferring your favorite platforms and resources then what they were previously using. Many publications even offer online subscriptions, gift that person an online subscription for digital access that way they can always have it readily available.

Explain why not all sources are equal. But also explain to them how to actually find credible sources. Looking at the author, date, and publication is helpful for them to become more media literate. make this an open discussion and see why they were going to media outlets they were using. Encourage them to look before sharing. To attempt to be savvier and use these new sources for civil discourse.

Share headlines yourself. If you know you have a cousin that loves a certain topic look for legitimate sources with headlines and send it to them. Create a safe environment for you and them with the proper information that you found. So if grandma likes hearing about the midterm election drop her a link or two from USA today online NOT inforwars.

when in doubt just follow A.P.E.S.!



Module 5: Curation

Mentioned previously the topic chosen is  People of Color in American Television/Film.  I’ve discussed previously why agency, inclusion and opportunity are often better options for POC in the film industry. Diversity can sometimes lead to tokenism or trend to stay momentarily.  In this curation I’ve listed explores this concept.

Be Kind Rewind discuss the underrepresentation of Black women in film and the lack of variety of roles available to Black women. Ultimately covering why Halle Berry’s Oscar win is so monumental and significant and how in today’s landscape #OscarsSoWhite matters. 

“to speak the names of women who laid the path before her and the nameless, faceless names of black women she felt now had a chance” -Be Kind Rewind

People often tend to forget that not only do people of color need to be in front of the camera but also in the various jobs behind and within the industry, this includes journalists and film critics. these voices and opinions on film matter as the perspective can be enlightening or provoking in order to decide to see a film.

Asian Americans in film is often always one of outdated stereotype. In the recent Quentin Tarantino film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Bruce Lee is depicted in a egotistical way far from reality.

“While I understand that the mechanism in the story is to make Brad Pitt’s character out to be such a badass that he can beat up Bruce Lee, the script treatment of my father as this arrogant, egotistical punching bag was really disheartening — and, I feel, unnecessary.”-Shannon Lee

Agency given to POC to tell their own stories often provide more opportunity for diverse storytelling about people so underrepresented. However typically we see in films like The Help( 2011) or more recently Greenbook (2018) become oscar bait due to their “white savior complex” rather than telling stories about racial dynamics in america.

No matter how black or multicultural a film is in its content, filmmakers would have us believe that white characters are the best vehicles for the story”-Manny Fidel



Module 4: Analyze

Chosen Topic: People of Color in American Television/Film

Back in Module 2, I discussed the importance of Inclusion in the film industry. I pointed out that in one of the largest film Studios, Marvel has made strides in more inclusion but needs to improve in leading roles in its upcoming phase 5 set of films. Here I will discuss Mary McNamara’s Los Angeles Times article on Hollywood’s depictions of “real America”.

When reading the article Mary argues and points out the hypocrisy of television and film for their lack of inclusion. She does offer backing of her argument. However, almost all are other Los Angeles Times Articles. This doesn’t change the supporting of her argument but it paints it in a narrow way showing that maybe this is an issue that Los Angeles Times writers only have.  While this sort of sourcing is better for the News outlet it lacks variety from other reputable resources, possibly more knowledgeable.

The article asks the following questions:

  • Who is a “real American”?
  • What can the entertainment do to provide more inclusion?
  • Where are diverse and inclusive stories and scripts?
  • When will our shift in culture and population fully reflect in Hollywood?
  • Why does diversity take a backseat in the film industry?
  • How can Hollywood make financially successful television and film but still be inclusionary in gender, race and sexual orientation?

However I think she missed a big question, what can the consumer do? While the updated Norman Lear show One Day at A Time was canceled on netflix it’s cult following got it picked up by a television network. It leads me to believe that a show like that isn’t popular or worth watching and makes the article lack nuance. But what should I do as a consumer who is fed up with the lack of inclusion or when my favorite show gets canceled? I believe most readers would already know and understand the lack of diversity in TV and movies.  But there is little to no outlook for the future? what improvements can be made? The article mostly reiterates something we already know but provides little options for the reader. The article successfully points out the disparity in representation but fails to provide why diversity and inclusion are important. Her solutions of just picking up more scripts are limited. There is much work beyond a network picking up stories for them to be successful. Much of the article stand from a centered place but does lean more liberal as it brings is a disdain for President Trump and His Administration view of “Real American”.  However, does it really answer it’s own headline question? How Liberal Hollywood Perpetuates The Myth of the “Real Americans“?

Overall I would give this article a B rating. She provides insight into a problem in Hollywood however, there lacks variety in sources or voices affected by the problem. Its political tie-in is limited and doesn’t fully develop the relationship between the two industries. It opens up dialogue but limits solutions for both Hollywood and media watchers like myself who would like to see more inclusion and variety in storytelling.


Module 3: News & Opinion

LGTBQ+ rights and gender identity in the United States have come into the forefront of political topics in the United States. While Gay and Lesbian communities have had mainstream success over the past few decades, particularly in 2015 as the Supreme Court ruling same-sex marriage legal. However, gender identity has yet to really make the same level of progress for transgender, non-binary and gender-nonconforming individuals.  The access of non -gendered Bathrooms or Unisex bathrooms.  Coverage on the issue from my researched typically went into two separate categories; coverage and opinion.  Gavin Grimm a Transgender student was discriminated against at his high school, a federal judge ruled in his favor in of him using the boy’s restroom. I first heard of this story on twitter with the hashtag #StandWith Gavin as many celebrities tweeted it. this was in solidarity and to give light to Gavin’s case.

Actress, Lena Heady (Game of Thrones)

Actress, Jane Lynch (Glee, Nurse Jackie)

 a letter to the editor, Bettye L. Wages writes to the Washington post offers a simple solution or reasoning by making all restrooms unisex. while short she makes a case based from a different WaPo article covering the issue at hand.  She responding rather than elaborating to what happened to Gavin Grimm and his case. This is opinion, not coverage.  Matt Stevens NY Times article also covers the same story. These two are clearly coverage as they give objective timelines, history, and explanation of the issue. Rather than Bettye’s work which is her responding to Debbie Truong’s article. Both Truong and Steven’s work give insight to the case noting Grimm’s 2015 original case and the federal case’s decision. Both would be considered news. Gavin Grimm wrote an op-ed on his own journey of coming out as transgender and his view of the case and the progress it means for trans people and trans rights.  While he covers each case from its beginning as a school board issue it is not covered. Notably, because it has his narrative which innately has a bias. We see this when Gavin writes “This case will not be resolved until after I graduate. But this fight is bigger than me. I came to realize that very early on, and it is truer now than it ever has been. This fight is for other trans youth in my high school. It is for other trans youth in Virginia. It is for all trans youth who are in school or one day will be.” while at first glance it might blend both news coverage and opinion it is the only opinion just like Bettye’s. Persuasive to a reader but not fully informative.


While opinion can be good for people to read and understand but most importantly it gives an opportunity to learn from one another. it can provide an outlook on the same issue and give pr News coverage offers information and insight into a situation. just remember that what others believe and write isn’t always actual news coverage. Pundits, movers, and shakers will write op-eds. while helpful we and readers much media literate to know the difference.



Module 2: Blogging

Chosen Topic: People of Color in American Television/Film

As a fan of Marvel films, I’m always excited to see my favorite superheroes save the day and memorize me with its special effects and world-building. Producer Kevin Feige has been building these films starting with Iron Man and most recently Avengers: End Game. As we enter phase 4 of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) we have yet to have many leading POC actors in these films. phases 1-2 have supporting characters who were people of color. Phase three however successfully had the Box-office boom with the 2018 film Black Panther. Film as often struggled with its depiction of people of color. While the MCU has made strides I hope for phase 4 in which actors like Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans pass the baton to Anthony Mackie and Chadwick Boseman so they too can pass it later to other actors of color approaching phase 4 and at some point phase 5.  In addition to more creatives behind the camera.  while Ryan (Black Panther) Coogler and Taika Waitit (Thor: Ragnarok, Avengers End Game) have been great additions to the creative process I hope these future films give more opportunity to more minority film creatives.

the MCU and to film in a larger scale has typically centered around white men written and produced by white men. Tim Mulkerin, of Mic, writes “those who write and direct these films wield a great deal of power in shaping the narratives”. I believe that people of color need agency to tell their own stories and narratives. Even in this fantasy world where there are web-slinging teenage boys and a man dressed in a catsuit from a hidden Afro-futuristic country.


Mulkerin, T.  Bustle Digital Group(2019, August 14). 10 years in, the Marvel Cinematic Universe still lacks diversity – and these 4 graphs prove it. Retrieved from

Week One

Module 1: 24-hour Media Use

Thursday, August 22, 2019

I didn’t realize how little I actually use media in my personal life during the work week compared to how much I use media as a student and in my personal time. Lately, because I’m out with close friends outside, I haven’t been to media too much. I think If I did another diary next month I would have had more media interactions.

8:30AM-After my morning routine, I first got on Twitter (on my phone) and check to see if I have any notifications and scroll on my timeline. Twitter is one of the three primary ways I communicate with friends and family. I also checked to see what is trending.

8:25AM-One of the stories trending that caught my eye was one from CNBC about plant-based diets. I’ve been a vegetarian in the past and have considered going back to that diet.

8:55 AM-Personal emails, mostly checking in on packages and any school-related information. Texting close friends and significant other before I walk to work

9:05 AM-work emails using Microsoft Outlook. I tend to get a large number of work emails overnight. takes me about  20-30minuites to respond to all my emails and do the tasks requested if needed.

12:30 PM-Snapchat, this is my second way of communicating with close friends. I check up on their lives by watching their “snapstory” and reply to “snaps” and messages I have during my lunch break.

1:30 PM-Twitter again, I just enjoy scrolling my timeline towards the end of my work break. mostly just to kill time and enjoy memes.

3:11 PM– Nearing halfway during my shift at work. listening to NPR News Hour and Up First on Spotify. I’m very isolated in my office so I can be disconnected from the outside world when working so I like to at least hear about the news. This is a fairly new habit that I started last week because I don’t want to get distracted by finding news links online I can do my work and listen at the same…aka Multitasking 🙂

4:20 PM-Last time checking emails before closing my office.

After work, I went to my friends for a small get together, so I didn’t use my phone.

11:30 PM-Netflix, watching an episode of the Telenovela Siempre Bruja, it’s not all that great in character arcs but the show overall is great.

12:30 PM-End of night text messages to a friend, before heading to bed.

