students Week Five

Module 5: Curation

  1. This list will be an introduction to understanding what racism and cultural appropriation and fashion can look like. It will also serve as a list to understand the basics of racism in the fashion industry.
  • 7 Myths about Cultural Appropriation DEBUNKED!This quick video gives you an in depth understanding of cultural appropriation and why it matters. “Cultural exchange has been going on since the beginning of time but exchange is mutual. It needs to be done respectfully” -Franchesca Ramsey
  • Diet Prada. A micro blog dedicated to calling out hypocrisy in the fashion industry. This blog is known for calling out cultural appropriation and racism. “On the positive side, more states are legislating to ban race-based hair discrimination,” -Diet Prada
  • Fashion gaffes are a reflection of the industry’s diversity problem. This article is an in depth overview of racism in the fashion industry and why it continues to be pervasive. “How do these things even get greenlighted? Who in the world, for example, thought that D&G’s ad campaign, insulting and patronizing the Chinese model, would appeal to a Chinese audience?” – Valerie Steele
  • Models Talk: racism, Abuse and Feeling Old at 25. A candid conversation about racism and other topics by models in the industry. “I don’t want this shift to be commodified I want it to be a reality.” -Paloma Elsesser
  • Naomi Campbell on racism in fashion. A supermodel talking about racism in fashion and why it’s important to have these conversations. “The act of not choosing models of color is racist” -Naomi Campbell
Since the start of the class my media consumption hasn’t really changed. I still watch MSNBC for most of my news and don’t really use websites or social media as a way to find news. I use instagram daily and probably too much. I use it for my art and to get inspired. If there’s one thing this class has taught me it’s to be skeptical. When I consume the news from MSNBC I try to keep an open mind about what I’m watching. I don’t take everything as an undisputed fact.
When i have questions I do my own research. I started a note on my notes app on my phone that I fill up with questions while I watch the news. I found this is a great way to do my own fact checking if you will. I try not to be to skeptical but I do realize that not everything is a fact just because it’s on the news.