Week Five

Great Media Literary Sites

Obviously being media literate is important. I’d probably be missing the entire point of the class by now if I didn’t believe that. Heck, I was aware of how important it was before enrolling in this class, but I enrolled because I wanted to fine-tune my skills and get to the bottom of this entire media landscape and its issues in trustworthiness that, while not necessarily new, have certainly been put under a microscope in recent history.


I remember reading about PolitiFact early on in my journalism career. It’s a site specifically dedicated to determining what is factual and what is not, and I love this article from them about being able to spot false statements on “news sites.” In the article’s reference to a site known for not being truthful, it says, “While elaborate conspiracy theories and mindless clickbait show up on the pages, completely made up posts work just as well.” I think it’s extremely important to remember that real websites maintained by human beings do this, and it’s a way to trick us into thinking that their information is factual.

Columbia Journalism Review

I love Columbia Journalism Review because it’s journalism about journalism, and I wouldn’t be a journalist if I weren’t curious and concerned about the state of the industry. This article is called “Making media literacy great again,” and it says, “Media literacy works, and it just might save humanity.” I think that should be the motto of every journalist fighting to spread the truth.

The New York Times

Many students regard The New York Times as the peak of accuracy, and while they’re not immune to getting stories 100% correct, I’d say I agree that they’ve been the pinnacle of accuracy and accountability in journalism. This article struck me as interesting, as we’ve discussed the idea of a “post-truth” world. It even provides some tests to students to show how difficult it can be to determine whether or not a piece of media provides sufficient evidence to be accepted as fact while showing the different categories of articles, including satire, and how they can be used as tools.

Common Sense Education

This article from Common Sense Education gets to the bottom of something I strongly believe in, which is having meaningful discourse and understanding the other person, being open to having your mind changed and arguing an opinion instead of a person. It says, “Media literacy offers students a chance to learn how to connect information from the media to the world around them rather than just passively experience it,” and I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment. Media literacy gives us the best possible chance to acquire facts then interpret them, form opinions about them and use those opinions to interact with others.

I think all of these sources do an excellent job of giving a brief rundown of media literacy while also showing how important it is. I don’t think we can connect meaningfully with others without understanding media literacy, and it’s something that should extend far beyond simple journalistic practice.

Week Five

Extra Credit – Deep Fakes

Throughout Digital Media Literacy I (MCO425), the vast amount of knowledge I have learned on ranging topics have really interest me. My favorite topic to learn about so far has been deep fakes. Despite being an avid user of social media and always browsing the internet, I never knew that deep fakes even existed. Maybe I’m just more oblivious than most, but the whole idea of deep fakes seems like something out of a James Bond movie, so I was quite surprised when I watched a video regarding it! 


Deepfakes and Deep Media: A New Security Battleground : Kyle Wiggers, a writer with a background in artificial intelligence, offers a unique insight on deep fake videos and text patterns and how to look into them for the less obvious signs that they are fake. He discusses the ongoing battle that other technological companies face to create a software that can immediately identify the culprit fakes and further remove them from the internet. The struggle currently lies with the creators of these deep fakes, “There is minimum risk to the actor of getting caught. Because of the low risk, there is little deterrence to creating deep fakes.”, unfortunately resulting in the continuous creation of them. (Source provided by


The Societal Impacts of Deep Fakes : David Vandergrift, an artificial intelligence journalist and author, discusses the ‘hard to fathom’ results of deep fakes. The potential for AI to generate media from scratch seems to only recently become a concern despite its long road here. The lack of knowledge the public has regarding deep fakes is concerning, most technology cannot 100% accurately discover a deep fake as of now. The fear of using deep fakes for political attacks for the upcoming 2020 election is ever present as well. There is no safety for anyone who does not have the proper education regarding deep fakes. (Source provided by


The Challenge of Deep Fakes : An Intel Brief discusses the proliferation of social media and accessible software technologies available to anyone seeking to manipulate images and videos. With unlimited access and real world consequences threatening essentially everyone, the pressure to handle and eliminate the situation top priority for some technological companies. States such as California and Texas (Maine to follow) have already enacted bills making the creation of, “deceptive videos intended to influence voting in U.S elections” illegal and punishable by law. (Source provided by


The Real Downside of Deep Fakes : Nigel Phair, influential analyst of technology, crime and society, discusses the struggle of needing to question everything with more and more deep fakes popping up online. Considering social media users share millions of images and videos everyday deep fakes are becoming more apparent and harmful to users. Deep fakes are, “the product of artificial intelligence or machine learning.” and in order to protect consumers, education on the topic is key. (Source provided by


I just watched the most interesting deep fake today, coincidentally. If you haven’t seen it you should totally check it out! (It’s Back To The Future)


Week Five

6 Best Sources of Entertainment Information

Number 4 will shock you! I’m just kidding. There’s no clickbait here because we’ve gathered here today to discuss the six most trustworthy sources of entertainment business news in the industry. These are sources that deal in cold, hard facts despite covering things that probably won’t make enormous differences in the lives of most people. Nevertheless, when we go to sources for information about the entertainment business, we want it to be accurate.

We want to know how much Robert Downey Jr. made for his role in Avengers, who was number one at the box office this weekend and when Disney is making its next move toward monopolizing the industry and achieving world domination behind the unassuming mouse logo. Just as a disclaimer, this list is in no particular order. These are the six sources I visit regularly that I know I can trust, and I always look forward to their content and its accuracy. Let’s get started!


If you’ve been following my blog this semester, first of all, thank you. Second of all, you’ve probably heard me call Variety the New York Times of entertainment news because I can always count on its accuracy, especially in the business department where it matters. I truly believe that, and Variety has never had to reveal its sources because of its history of being correct.

The Hollywood Reporter

I called Variety the New York Times of entertainment news, but The Hollywood Reporter is the 1a to Variety’s 1. In fact, The Hollywood Reporter’s layout actually reminds me of the New York Times, which I think adds to its professional quality and credibility. While it does focus on entertainment, it’s very formal and uses many primary sources. I’d strongly suggest checking out The Hollywood Reporter’s YouTube channel to see just how close they are to the industry’s biggest names. When you can get Tom Hanks, Adam Driver, Adam Sandler, Jamie Foxx, Shia LaBeouf and Robert DeNiro at the same table, you must be doing something right.


Collider actually had what I would consider to be the best daily source of entertainment news in the video arena, but it was shut down recently, which is disappointing for those of us who love to consume our news that way. Fortunately, the website provides content that is equally enjoyable and equally credible. As far as outlets that participate in interview circuits and  junkets go, Collider is one of the best, as people like Steve Weintraub and Scott Mantz have established the status to hold industry screenings with film authors like Quentin Tarantino.


IndieWire is a popular place to go for reviews, but their news is equally strong. Maybe more than any other site, I love the way IndieWire lays its news out as I can easily see different categories and different types of news. As its name might even suggest, I’ve actually found that IndieWire does an excellent job of giving me information about lower budget films, which is something I always look for as a refresher from all of the sources discussing the latest news about the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Where Vulture first attracted me was with its television discussions. I think they do the best job of offering episode-to-episode television insight, including fact-based recaps and opinions in the same articles. It even highlights those television recaps

Rolling Stone

Peter Travers is one of the reasons I’m interested in going into entertainment journalism, and other than the fact that Rolling Stone is legendary, he’s one of the reasons I trust the entire outlet. He is one of the industry professionals who has established relationships inside the industry, and I’d never doubt what Rolling Stone has to say about film or other forms of entertainment for that reason.

Overall, I don’t think my consumption of news has changed much since the beginning of the semester. This might be a personal flaw, but I use mostly the same sources I did prior to this class. That said, I’ve taken personal inventory over the sources I’ve used and assessed them for their reliability, which has only led me deeper into my fandom.

One thing I will say is that I spend a lot of time looking at movie news on Reddit, which can lead me to all sorts of sites, and whereas before I used to take a lot of what I read from random sites at face value, I evaluate every single story and every single site for legitimacy.

I’ve become something of an entertainment journalism detective through this class and the assignments. To bring it all back to media, I “follow the money.” Where did the information originate? Who picked the story up? Is it plausible? There are a lot of startup entertainment news websites looking to get any scoop they can, so it’s important to know if those sites are trustworthy or not.

In the case of sites like Rolling Stone, The Hollywood Reporter and Variety, they use a lot of primary sources, and they’ve established credit over the course of decades. I believe an introductory course at Cronkite used the term “evangelist” when referring to the ideal readers of a news outlet. Well, I’m an evangelist of these outlets, and I’d say those decades of establishing trust and relationships were not wasted.

Week Five

A Curation

When it comes to the environmental debate regarding whether it truly is a crisis or not, the media is littered with various sources. Everything from blogs posts, to articles, to videos, and even trending on social media. When it comes to discussing the crisis on hand it is important to have credible reliable sources. Some articles and videos I have found very interesting and helpful regarding the crisis and its debate are listed below:

Ignore the Fake Climate Debate : This article discusses both the ‘alarmist’ and ‘deniers’ of the climate crisis, including Greta Thunberg and Donald Trump. Along with talks of emissions, economic growth, and advancing technology, this source is full of credible information. (Liked provided by

Nike’s New CEO and Social Issues : Speaking on issues regarding climate change and innovation along with the company’s environmental impact offers a unique perspective on the crisis and large companies impact. (Link provided by

A Decade of Cleaner Air Ended in Controversy :  This articles discusses the air quality throughout the decade along with new challenges and questions about where priorities should lie following the upcoming decades. (Link provided by

Why is Climate Crisis so Controversial to some People? : Disbelief, doubt, and questioning surrounds the climate crisis and this article discusses why it is often hard for those to believe in it. It also showcases unique scientific evidence. (Link provided by

Most Americans Don’t Consider the Environmental Impacts of Food Choices : A study conducted by Yale University discusses the link between food choices such as meat compared to plant products and the overall impact on the environment. The survey conducted found that many consumers lacked information regarding the environment crisis and often disregarded plant based choices. (Linked provided by


Regarding my social media use, I can’t say my sources have changed to much. While this class as definitely taught me both unique and informative information, by habits have stayed pretty regular. But I can say, I look into many more articles authors for credibility and expertise. Too often I read information without any regard for correct information. Checking the credibility of the author and website give me a great piece of mind.

My main sources for news still remain ABC15, AZFamily, and MSN. While these news websites may contain both bias and incorrect information, it is second nature for me to look on these websites for articles. Old habits die hard, I guess. Other sources of information I go to are Twitter and following my favorite reliable journalist. This is a new tactic of getting information for me, I previously didn’t often use Twitter; but it has turned into a great resource to obtain specific journalists work. Overall, I believe my media consumption has increased since I wrote my first post, but I think it’s a good thing because I’m reading better credible sources and looking into topics I like.



Week Five


Knives Out movie poster – IMDB

Forbes Knives Out Tops $300M: This Year’s Most Promising Original Movies
Forbes is known to be a credible source.  Their article discussing Knives Out‘s current success rate has many different angles all proving the same thing – that Knives Out is one of 2020’s most promising original movies. Using monetary facts from Knives Out‘s box office ratings, comparing and contrasting the movie agains other current headliners such as Frozen 2, and discussing Lionsgate’s marketing tactics leaves this movie review to be considered credible and well-rounded.

New York Times – The Hunt a Satire with Elites Killing ‘Deplorables,’ is Revived
The New York Times is also known to be a credible source. This article discusses a movie that has yet to be released, The Hunt, and why it was put on hold last year. Due to the numerous mass shootings in America during 2019, Universal decided to table the horror flick’s release date because of fear of criticism. It is now set to be released May 19, 2020 using “forthrightness” as their new marketing tactic.


Sonic the Hedgehog movie poster – IMDB

The Washington PostThe Sonic the Hedgehog movie is about loneliness and the limits of doing everything yourself
The Washington Post is also known to be a credible source. Their article about the new comedy, Sonic the Hedgehog, discusses how it is more than bringing a video game to life. The movie’s underlying meanings go deeper than the comedy of the film, but discuss the serious topic of loneliness and what it means to go through life alone as opposed to with a companion. *Warning – this article includes spoilers.*


The New YorkerPromotional Tie-ins for the New Little Women Movie
The New Yorker’s comical take on the promotions for the new Little Women movie brings some lightheartedness into their Daily Humor section. Each comical tie-in modernizes the traditional Little Women characters whilst also promoting the movie.

The Atlantic – Dolittle Is One of the Worst Movies in Years
According to David Sims of The Atlantic, the new Robert Downey Jr. film, Dolittle, did not ring in any praise. From the plot, to the characters, to the script, Sims review puts the remake to shambles, but uses facts along with opinion.

During this week that I spent curating articles about movies, TV, and their reviews, I have found that a lot of statements made are factual and not just opinionated. At the beginning of this class, and throughout my first several blog posts, I have discussed a number of movie reviews that are quite opinionated and sometimes throw in monetary facts about the films. However, this week my horizons expanded through the news sites I used and the types of articles I read.

Oscar Winners 2020 – ABC

Not only did I go out of my way to discover more credible sources other than E! News, which I discussed in my 24-Hour Media Use blog post, but I found much more varied types of articles. Originally, looking back, I did not expect many credible news sources to discuss the entertainment industry very much, but in actuality it is a popular topic among all news outlets. I saw numerous articles written about the Oscars which took place February 9. From predicting nominations and wins, to discussing the results of the awards ceremony, entertainment news is definitely a popular topic for even the most prestigious of news outlets. I had no problem finding articles about movies and TV shows from every source I have used for this blog post and will continue to utilize them in the future.

Week Five

What to consume next…

After five weeks of digital media literacy class I have learned a few things:

  1. My digital media consumption is fairly average given my age.
  2. I’m not nearly as smart as I think, at recognizing sponsored content.
  3. I should be a better contributor.

With this in mind as I set off to accomplish this week’s task of curating sources on my chosen topic of Harry and Meghan.  I kept the top two things i have learned in mind. This allowed me to make the third point concerning contributing,  as well rounded as possible.

Here are five places I found current solid information on Harry and Meghan.

1. Their website, SussexRoyal, is filled with current solid content. The site had quite a few question and answer sections concerning Harry and Meghan’s exit that spoke to first hand facts. The transparency surrounding important issues such as finances and royal responsibilities was refreshing.

2. Their Instagram is also filled with not only photos but also a newly released video about Meghan’s stint as a guest editor for British Vogue. According to their personal website they hope to share more on social media without the constraints of the royal family media requirements.

3. Harry and Meghan make great fodder for the morning talk shows. The Today Show is doing a good job of covering whenever something large or small happens and include video clips from the show that focus on the couple. Just this week they covered two major stories concerning a trip to Stanford and how they fired their staff of 15 people in the U.K.

4. The Guardian offers a nice British spin on the issue. You can find a good mix of opinion and fact pieces. They are clearly labeled as such and allow the reader quite a bit of thought provoking content. Today, an opinion piece concerning women bashing Meghan was well written and full of content I had not seen in other places.

5. I would be remiss if I did not include the BBC as a good source for finding factual unbiased Harry and Meghan information. They do not have a large amount of content because they do not cover small stories about the couple. They do have a nice folder if you want to reminisce about their wedding.


While I have learned some things, I would have to admit my media consumption is fairly unchanged since the start of the class. I find myself still starting my day with social media such as Facebook and Twitter. I then jump to my New York Times daily update email to get my news. I still watch the news at 5 P.M. to get a quick local recap and I close my nights with scrolling through social media before bed.

The one change that has occurred since staring this class is my consumption of British news outlets like BBC, The Guardian and the Daily Mail.  In finding the information for today’s content, I went to all of these and ultimately chose two as good sources.  Since it was a work day for me, this was a solid chunk of my media consumption. I did take the opportunity to peek at a BBC article about the environmental impact of a vegan diet.  I found some scary new facts about oyster mushrooms that may keep me away from all fungi in the near future.  While mushrooms are out, the BBC may be in for a new media source.


students Week Five

Module 5: Curation

  1. This list will be an introduction to understanding what racism and cultural appropriation and fashion can look like. It will also serve as a list to understand the basics of racism in the fashion industry.
  • 7 Myths about Cultural Appropriation DEBUNKED!This quick video gives you an in depth understanding of cultural appropriation and why it matters. “Cultural exchange has been going on since the beginning of time but exchange is mutual. It needs to be done respectfully” -Franchesca Ramsey
  • Diet Prada. A micro blog dedicated to calling out hypocrisy in the fashion industry. This blog is known for calling out cultural appropriation and racism. “On the positive side, more states are legislating to ban race-based hair discrimination,” -Diet Prada
  • Fashion gaffes are a reflection of the industry’s diversity problem. This article is an in depth overview of racism in the fashion industry and why it continues to be pervasive. “How do these things even get greenlighted? Who in the world, for example, thought that D&G’s ad campaign, insulting and patronizing the Chinese model, would appeal to a Chinese audience?” – Valerie Steele
  • Models Talk: racism, Abuse and Feeling Old at 25. A candid conversation about racism and other topics by models in the industry. “I don’t want this shift to be commodified I want it to be a reality.” -Paloma Elsesser
  • Naomi Campbell on racism in fashion. A supermodel talking about racism in fashion and why it’s important to have these conversations. “The act of not choosing models of color is racist” -Naomi Campbell
Since the start of the class my media consumption hasn’t really changed. I still watch MSNBC for most of my news and don’t really use websites or social media as a way to find news. I use instagram daily and probably too much. I use it for my art and to get inspired. If there’s one thing this class has taught me it’s to be skeptical. When I consume the news from MSNBC I try to keep an open mind about what I’m watching. I don’t take everything as an undisputed fact.
When i have questions I do my own research. I started a note on my notes app on my phone that I fill up with questions while I watch the news. I found this is a great way to do my own fact checking if you will. I try not to be to skeptical but I do realize that not everything is a fact just because it’s on the news.
Week Five

Curating the Best of Vintage TV Resources

With the vast amount of information on television programs and the rich history of the medium itself, it is important to find quality resources that examine the history of vintage TV, not just as a product, but as a relic of the 20th century media landscape. Television history parallels every page of a history book, and there is always something new to learn. Here are, in my opinion and in no particular order, the most comprehensive resources on the cultural and societal influence of vintage TV programming. These resources also cover the largest range of vintage television topics, and give the greatest insight from a variety of reliable sources.

1. It’s About TV
A blog written by historian and writer Mitchell Hadley, this well-crafted, daily-updated site chronicles vintage television through textual analysis, essays and interviews, as well as scans from old issues of TV Guide. The site’s special focus on how vintage television programs mirrored our lives, was also the subject of Hadley’s outstanding book, The Electronic Mirror: What Classic TV Tells Us About Who We Were and Who We Are (and Everything In-Between!).

“Does television drive culture, or reflect it? Did the cathode ray tube of the old RCA console act as a looking glass into the future or a mirror reflecting the present? The answer, as is almost always the case in questions like this, is ‘Yes.’” – Mitchell Hadley

2. The Paley Center for Media
A television and radio archive, museum and organization dedicated to providing the public with knowledge of media’s past, and it’s ever-growing influence. The museum’s two locations provide many public resources, including exhibits, events, discussions, screenings, and a library where one can view the thousands of television programs in their archive.

“The Paley Center for Media, with locations in New York and Los Angeles, leads the discussion about the cultural, creative, and social significance of television, radio, and emerging platforms for the professional community and media-interested public.” – The Paley Center for Media, Mission

3. Television Obscurities
Fellow Millennial Robert Jay’s extensive history of television’s most forgotten programs, and the forgotten influence that many obscure and well-known programs have had on our world. The site contains vital information about lost programs and detailed Nielson ratings that cannot be found anywhere else.

“It is my personal belief that our television history is a history of us. Over the decades, television shaped our society while also being influenced by changes within society.” – Robert Jay

4. Encyclopedia of Television
Written and compiled by Chicago’s Museum of Broadcast Communications, this giant four-volume book set, which can be found in the reference sections of many universities and public libraries, is the quintessential resource for all things vintage TV and beyond (though the most recent edition was published in 2005, it’s vintage TV sections stay relevant).

“It is simply indispensable for anyone seeking information or perspective about a medium that has shaped our nation like no other. It is the Britannica for television.” – Jim Longworth,

5. Pioneers of Television
An excellent 16-part television documentary series produced by PBS, “narrated” by over 200 of television’s most influential and popular stars, as they discuss the contributions their programs have made to entertainment and to society. Recollections and firsthand accounts of television’s successes and failures give this series a unique, informative edge.

“Few television programs really challenge the genre into which they are delivered, developing cult followings or fundamentally morphing the expectations of viewers. But the pioneering programs profiled here did more than light up the small screens with hours of entertainment: They confronted our stereotypes, questioned our core values and made whole generations of viewers re-examine the limits of our humanity.”

Week Five

Deaf Representation – Curation

I am a part of the hearing community and  I am a student learning ASL, so I do not know everything about Deaf Culture. This blog is my freedom of expression and I only wish the same for the Deaf Community as well.

This week, I am writing about media sources I found while searching the web and other platforms. I compiled a list of six different sources that I think you all would like!

Vlog- ASL Stew

ASL Stew is a YouTube vlogging account ran by a husband and wife team. With over 16 thousands subscribers on YouTube alone, this couple uses their channel to advocate for Deaf education, culture and awareness. What I love most about this channel is that not only do they share inspiring and information content, they also share hilarious videos about some of the complications coming from one partner hearing and the other being hard of hearing.

Instagram – Equal Access Resources (@EqualAccess)

@EqualAccess is an account founded and ran by Brent Tracy. As a CODA (Child of a Deaf Adult) his first language is actually ASL. Due to this, he shares a truly unique perspective into the more particular and special aspects of ASL like the grammar as well as its quirks. His content is helpful, informative and gives a perspective one does not usually have access to when learning ASL.

News Source – Sign 1 News

Sign 1 News is an ASL based news broadcast powered by CNN. Like any televised news source there are photos, videos and more the difference being the anchor is signing. While this source does not only focus on deaf news it provides a unique experience and perspective into how the Deaf community and others are able to consume news in an accessible way. Additionally, each video broadcast uploaded includes a transcript below. Personally, I have been able to use these to quiz myself and practice my own understanding of ASL and feel beyond consuming news, it serves as a language enhancing tool for myself and others.

Image result for sign 1 news

Huff Post – American Sign Language Section

While the Huff Post covers various communities news, pop culture and more, they have beens sure to include that of the Deaf community as well. On their website they have an entire page dedicated to sharing only stories on the Deaf Community, its culture and more. Checking in here is a great way to ensure the news you consume surround the people and the culture extends past nightly news-like topics and extends to include the arts, celebrities, intersectional news and more.

Instagram – Matt Maxey @maxeymaxey

Matt Maxey is another Instagram account I came across in my research that connect ASL to other aspects of culture. He is a hard-of-hearing music lover who has made it his life work to unite ASL and Hip Hop Music. He has and continues to interpret concerts and awards shows such as seen on MTV. On his page he shares his journey and truly embraces all aspects of his identity including both his abilities and passion for music. As someone who is interested in interpreting at music and cultural events he is particularly inspiring.

Instagram – Stacey Abrams

Stacy Abrams is a deaf woman who has dedicated a lot of her adult life supporting and connecting hearing communities with Deaf communities. In starting the #WhyISign campaign, she has continued to include videos of ASL (and other forms of sign language) users from around the globe connecting many on this online platform. Her account is particularly special in that she includes the experiences of a vast variety of folks including parents, CODA’s, students (both hearing and Deaf), professionals and celebrities.

Let me know your thoughts which you found the most interesting.

Week Five


After spending the past few days reading articles, blogs, scrolling through social media, watching videos I have created a list of some of the most eye-catching, noteworthy media about the NFL.

What now for Antonio Brown? Answering the biggest questions around his release

This was a great article about what lead up to Antonio Brown’s release from the New England Patriots.  It gives a lot of information of what happened, what could happen next for his future and why it happened.  This article was written by Dan Graziano and Jeremy Fowler for ESPN.

Graziano: How NFL players are taking control, and what the league could do next

This article put a great perspective on how NFL players are starting to gain more power in the league when it comes to their contracts.  “It’s a growing trend of NFL players taking more control of their own contract situations than they traditionally have thought they could. And if you think the league isn’t alarmed about it, you’re wrong.” This article was written by Dan Graziano. I came across this article on Twitter.

This tweet is important because it deals with a controversy that has been going on for a while in the NFL if Colin Kaepernick will be picked up by a team.  With all the QB injuries, many wonder if he will get a call from an NFL team.  This is a tweet by The Daily Show.

This tweet is Colin Cowherd talking about how he believes Tom Brady is the greatest team athlete of all-time.  It is noteworthy because this has been a debate going on for a while and he does a great job of using facts to back up his argument.  This video was from his show but then tweeted by The Herd.

Andrew Luck Sets Tone for Players Affected by Mental Health

This is a podcast by Conor Orr and Jenny Vrentas that deals with how mental health does affect NFL players.  Andrew Luck retired very early in his career because of it.  “Not only do we have Andrew Luck talking about the cycle of pain and rehabilitation that he went through, and that’s something that informed his decision to retire at the age of 29.” This is very prevalent so it gives a good insight into this topic.  I found this podcast on
