

I don’t think I even though about internet security until I was a freshman in high school, I won’t get too much into it but there were random men easily over the age of 25 messaging me. At one point I freaked out but I didn’t know what to do so I blocked them and I took down all of my pictures and that was the end of that.

Well, so I thought unfortunately as I grew older and with my career, I knew I didn’t want people to find my personal pages. I took down my again after posting some in between this time frame, I changed my name on all social media and put all my account of private. Although this helps I still don’t feel safe, I stream for a living I am in front of a lot of people daily and worry about my protection, although I never use my real name or my address I know this doesn’t stop people.

My husband is constantly telling me I need a VPN, I’m not very good with all of the tech stuff, but from my understanding, your computer has a number unique to itself that can only be your computer like a fingerprint. You can leave these fingerprints on whatever sites you use, this can be used by hackers for knowing which computer to hack or people to know your location, either way, it is scary but isn’t something most people know about so it is uncommon to do. By using a program for other VPN’s you mask your fingerprint with others making people think you’re some computer from Spain.

So I go to download the software, and again I open another can of worms. As a cheap college student can’t afford an expensive mostly program like Nordvpn, so what you can’t pay for it google the free version! I goggled an app for it downloaded it and run into some problems. It wasn’t too bad I was quite lucky, my only issue is that Google services would run with it on or any other this creates a problem when I can’t stream. More importantly, many people download app’s like there and come to find out that the anti-virus software you downloaded is a virus, so it’s very important to check everything you download first.

This all being said I have a MacBook, although this doesn’t keep me completely safe I have never had an issue even as a teen who would click on thoughts links that your not supposed to. Although I don’t love all things apple and really don’t love the prices it is the best thing you can do for your security. Although not opening your junk mail is also a good way to not get viruses.



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So this assignment for school did not go as expected. I searched for days, endlessly it seemed like. Last Saturday per usual I read my assignments in class. This week’s assignment edits something on Wikipedia obviously something we can edit from our knowledge. So I started out simple, a video game I like League of Legends I’ve don’t extensive research on this game for another class. Immediately I was rejected, well locked out, this post was uneditable by anyone that wasn’t a professional in the field.

Ok, so next on the adventure they great search. Endless hours, long nights, lots and lots of pages:

Ouran High Host Club

Hartnell Community College

Sacramento State University

Arizona State University


Renaissance Faires

And many many more. I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t edit a single post, how? It didn’t seem possible I am a semester away from finishing my B.A. in Digital Photography with a double A.A. in studio arts and digital arts, I have been in school constantly for the since the age of 4. It wasn’t my lack of education, quite frankly it was quite the opposite. All I have done in school, I am a recluse, my only hobbies are watching Netflix and cook, I don’t watch the news, so throughout out all of my years with a large background in creative thinking and research I had never had a stump like this.

I say all of this for an understanding of perspective because as a sat here today I knew I could not due to this assignment, my knowledge for the first time had failed me and I had no clue what to due. So skillful I try to calculate whether I would fail my class or not if I skipped it. When my saver arrived, per usual it was my husband, he who opted out of finishing his certificate to join the military and has yet to return back to school could do the assignment.

I wanted to be honest with this, partly because I only understand half of what he told me to type, but also it says something. I’m sure there are other students that could answer this assignment no problem, and I am defidently not the studious person but it reflects. Education can’t teach you everything, something at is very important for students to understand. Who then is qualified to edit these pages? I’m not sure I have an answer to that yet.

Aside from my questioning of today’s education, the topic that my husband helped teach me about was airsoft, although he doesn’t play often he researches it quite a bit. he explained the new way the guns could shoot bullets, honestly, I love his but not the best at explaining things, so he helped my post this.

Although before any of that I had to figure out how to post it in the first place, Wikipedia has a tutorial that may have been the easiest part. Although as stated that you just type what you want to say, I was hesitant with all of the coding that I was seeing.  Although based off of the sample I was fairly confident that there would be a notification or removal if done wrong.

It was then accepted, I have changed history. Kinda, it feels like it though especially in this day and age Wikipedia is what I’ve always known as the truth. Yes, you should do more research than Wikipedia but many students use it as a reference guide or even there the whole essay if they want it to not count because of plagiarism.

There is surprisingly a lot of information on airsoft but here is the part that I wrote,” Although with the newfound popularity with HPA guns the debate has been opened that barrel’s with a larger diameter (up to 6.13mm) could provide a more accurate shot. Due to the higher volume of air surrounding the pellet, it negates the chance of the pellet coming into contact with the barrel throwing the trajectory of the pellet off similar to a musket, in how the bullet slams about before leaving the barrel.”

Unfortunately, because of the struggles, I faced there wasn’t enough sufficient time to complete the assignment properly. There may or may not be commentary or it being taken down altogether in the future. With all of the information that circulates on the internet, it’s hard to have new knowledge on any topic that you aren’t personally familiar with, which is amazing that this kind of knowledge is accessible to us but how much are we actually taking away and learning from all this information?


Law and Media

Privacy. This is the biggest issue we all face no matter how connected we are Goggle knows all about you. This creates questions that are fundamental to answer and are seemly impossible. How much privacy should we have?

Well, we should start off by what is privacy?

: the quality or state of being apart from company or observation : SECLUSION
b: freedom from unauthorized intrusion one’s right to privacy


It seems simple enough we be able to be apart from others and not have anyone intrude that. This is the difficulty with the internet whatever you do although it seems private it’s not you are on the internet, on google or amazon website owned by other people, you own devices you have given other people access to. For the most part, you are forced into this with contracts and agreements that are a hundred pages long and if you don’t agree well your phone won’t turn on. This is a big dilemma how do i retain privacy and do what i want to?

This is a split issue, on one hand the law protects you, kinda.

The first type of privacy is defensive privacy, which protects against transient financial loss resulting from information collection or theft.  This is protected by the law, it is legal for someone to steal your money, property, identity and so on. This is tricky though because this is a result of hacking when we’re talking online, which is a global network which means your hacker may not be able to be prosecuted. In addition because of the amount of privacy we do have it’s hard to know who the hacker is, so do we need more or less privacy?

Both? Neither? Something needs to change but this again is a particular subject where they may be no right answer. If there is an increase in privacy like many people want we could having increasing issues with hackings, identity theft, anonymous accounts made just to hurt others, and so much more. This is an issue that is steadily increasing, “Hackers stole nearly 447 million consumer records containing sensitive personal information last year, according to the 2018 End-of-Year Data Breach Report from the Identity Theft Resource Center. ” Where does this end? Less privacy, probably. As a consumer with no background in an education on comupters, government, or cyberspace its hard to think on any example where we can have privacy and protection online.

In one of my previous classes, an article really struck me on this subject. Protection or Privacy? Neither coding. “Our choice is not between ‘”regulation” and “no regulation.”‘ The code regulates. It implements values, or not. It enables freedoms, or disables them. It protects privacy, or promotes monitoring. People choose how the code does these things. People write the code. Thus the choice is not whether people will decide how cyberspace regulates. People–coders–will. The only choice is whether we collectively will have a role in their choice–and thus in determining how these values regulate–or whether collectively we will allow the coders to select our values for us.”

This is quite a bit to digest but the short point is that coding as the ability to be used for good or bad if we choose we can have coders implement privacy and protection. But if we do nothing this privacy will be bought out as we have seen so far.



Fake News!!!

I scrolling through my Instagram as I contemplated this week’s assignment understanding the delicacy of the situation. This assignment is a way to prevent fake news from spreading. What is fake news? Well most of us think its news that’s not real or something created by BuzzFeed but this can be any news with unreliable or untrue information. But how do I share the importance of misleading information without hurting someone’s feelings, if you are confronted it can feel as if you’re being attacked when someone questions your information or opinion. 

As I scroll through the solution was shown to me as if it was a sign, one of the comedians I follow, Jackie Kashian has a post simply informing people of the signs of fake news and to not spread it, it’s not calling anyone out nor speaking of a specific instance of falsehood.

Although it isn’t my idea I honestly think this is the best way to spread information about fake news. People can get defensive when being specifically informed about their misinformation it is important to get through to them in a way they will receive acceptingly. By simply posting a notification reminding people that it is important to fact check and to put out reliable news.

The best way to go about this would be to create a post with the essential information to help to understand what fake news looks like and the effects it can have. 

A media post would look like this:

Recognizing Fake News

Fake news can cause the spread of misinformation creating an uninformed population help stop it with these tips!

  1. When, where, who, why, what? These are important factors for understanding the credibility of the information.
  2. Sources, this is what the fakest news is missing and the most important part, Understanding the sources can really help in understanding your news, check the links!
  3. Confirmation Bias. What are your opinions on news?  This is important to know so that you can look for alternative news to give you’re a well-rounded knowledge.
  4. Who published it? And are others? This can really affect the bias in the news and the credibility of the story.
  5. Think before you share. This is the most important thing to understand, the spread of news is up to us, we choose what is and isn’t popular.

And More…

Part 1: OnlyFans extra sources

OnlyFans blog talks about the 5 steps to setting up your OnlyFans account and what you will want to do, directly from OnlyFans themselves.

NYTimes realized an article describing the way OnlyFans has effected individuals’ lives of creators, implying that it can change the sex industry.

Dazeddigital wrote an article going over why intimacy is important to OnlyFans and why it is such a booming business.

Pandora modeling is an article educating models the best way to act and manipulate the system to work in your favor.

Vox created an article around a story that got some traction this last year, during the wildfires in Australia an Instagram model started selling nudes to fundraise, other sites banned her having her seek help at OnlyFans.

Amazon Alexa has general statistics that could be helpful to compare for research’s sake.

Part 2: Revaluation

My first post was of my activity on social media use for the day, creating a list of everything I did regarding media. It seems as though it was forever ago with the busy schedule I lead, that being said nothing major has changed. I have stated it on my first assignment but others I don’t actively watch the news and the social media accounts I follow are all creative and inspirational, nothing has really changed.

What has changed is the way I see my media consumption as I didn’t before. When bored most of us scroll and scroll and more scrolling, I am no exception to this. Now when I go to scroll something stops me partly some of which this call has taught me about the overuse of media consumption but also the realization of the time spent on it. How much time was I spending scrolling because a very big concern of mine and frequently touches my mind anytime I’m on it.



OnlyFans an Extraordinary World? or Not?

The economist released a piece in their magazine 1843 called ‘OnlyFans: a day in the life of a top(less) creator‘ on January 10th, 2020, written by Sirin Kale a freelance writer from London. It follows the past of Lucy-Ann Brooks and through the interview touches on topics of women’s control and the porn industry.

Brooks is an ex-porn star who was enlightened when she found out about OnlyFans, it completely changed her life and carrier. She averages 20,000 euros she claims because she runs her app like a business with scheduled events and constant pictured being posted.

Kale goes on to talk about OnlyFans, which is a British company with 12 million users registered each paying on average between 5 and 15 euros a month. The reason why the app works is because of the culture we live in today, Timothy Stokely the founder of OnlyFans explains, “OnlyFans hits the sweet spot between influencer culture and web camming.” 

With the change in the porn industry and the fast-expanding mentality to not pay for porn creates a declining industry, “As with any industry in decline, as profits crumble, labor rights and pay are affected. Female performers may be paid £300 for a shoot, with another £100 thrown in for extra sex acts.” making OnlyFans the best choice for anyone in the sex industry.

The biggest part Kale covers and expresses the most opinion on is the opportunity that OnlyFans has presented women with, they are 100 percent in control, whereas before the porn industry commodified women’s bodies and kept most of the profits. OnlyFans has a standard 20% commission and leaves the rest to the content creators. Women using the site decide what the make, when, and who gets that content. OnlyFans is helping empower the women using their site by letting them have control.

Unfortunately, not everyone agrees with the lifestyle these women are choosing for themselves, Brooks sister also has an OnlyFans at one point and was fired from her job for such. So the repercussions can be great.

Now that we’ve covered what was talked about and the ideas behind the article were going to take a closer look. Kale’s sources are not linked but are credible with the interview from Timothy Stokely and Brooks. As with most of the article on OnlyFans, there is a close analysis of 1 or 2 people’s lives and how it has helped them. This, unfortunately, has no basis of what to compare to, what are only girls in the industry making? the only comparison is with what the writer had which is what brooks’ was making before and after OnlyFans.

My biggest problem with this article is that there is no information: no links, no information on the writer and her credentials, limited sources, this doesn’t create a rounded article that the reader can fact check. Brook’s could or could not be made up, many OnlyFans content creators don’t use their real name and even if that is her OnlyFans name unless you buy her content there is no way of knowing the truth in her story.

If I was a teacher grading this assignment she would get a B-, Although the article was riveting and written great unfortunately there is not enough information on where her information is coming from creating a strong sense of distrust from the reader.


Week Three

The New World with…. OnlyFans

Something that captured my attention a couple of years ago was the mysterious and magical world of Camming. Some of my guy friends brought up the issues with Twitch, they were cracking down on girls for what they were wearing, and how such girls should move to MyFreeCams. This is a ‘cam’site this means models get on a webcam and stream to the site MyFreeCams where people, typically men, can find them. Don’t get me wrong there is a huge difference between MFC or MyFreeCams and Twitch, that is because MFC is seen as a pornographic website.

There are many issues with this and the site, mostly that they categorized an entire gender and although not all girls cam from Twitch many did because they felt that’s where they had to go, because of this I had to learn more. Although MFC was salvation from Twitch MFC posed their own issues, there were inherently a pornsite, although some of these girls had no desire to undress many get pressured into it. This all being said MFC is a great site that encourages women to be creative and do whatever makes them happy.

The reason a state all of this for background for OnlyFans; OnlyFans is considered like MFC to be a Pornsite/ app. This being said many creators for MFC have chosen to switch over to OnlyFans, Why? How is OnlyFans changing the way porn is?

NYTimes dives into why OnlyFans has changed sex work possibly forever. Although NYTimes in the article covers the backstories of sex workers from different fields, it shares little opinion on it more stating it as a documentary than a sided point of view. He interviews different kinds of models and how they came to use only fans, how much they make, and how it has helped them personally, making this a new item. It seems to be a credible article because of it being from a credible well know source but also the links he puts to all the people he interviewed, although there was no sources for the sums of money he stated.

PinkNews attempts to explain what OnlyFans is. They quickly go into the process of how to sign up after mentioning who might be on there, “…technically it’s a general app and not exclusive to people who work in porn. It’s also used by fitness bloggers, dieticians and more.” it doesn’t cover more than that. It goes on to state how much of a pay cut OnlyFans takes, how often content makers get paid without any proof linking what there saying to the website. The last section of the article is what makes is an opinion based article, where they weight the ethics of having a porn app and whether it’s good for the world. This is a UK based website so it might be more credible over there, but to me, it seemed like a gossip blog that had done minimum research and didn’t bother to credit the resources making it unreliable.

CNBC goes into a broader article taking about OnlyFans, Fancentric, and Snapchat but all information pertains to OnlyFans. They explain how the site works and benefits creators through Dolly, and a girl who just started on OnlyFans, diving deeper the explain how subscriptions make up the app. Next is how this has changed drastically from how they were 10 years ago and have to make a creator’s life drastically easier. Especially because of the money increase in the industry, it has quickly become a Billion dollar industry, as implied by CNBC. The wrap up the article with there concerns for the use of Snapchat and how it is still in the center of the part of the sex industry although it isn’t allowed on the app and is expressly prohibited. This is a new article that is reviewing the reality of these porn apps and what it might be like for a creator and has links to everything imaginable making it a credible source.

Lastly OnlyFans,  this is an article from the OnlyFans blog taking about techniques to launch your OnlyFans correctly, this is a complete opinion based article and they let that be known, “We recommend you place your OnlyFans profile link in the “About” fields of your social media profiles, share posts via Twitter or advertise your OnlyFans page anywhere you have followers.” This is simply an article on recommendations they have for a new user and how their tips could help them. They start by advising you to prepare, explaining that this too requires work, next they establish that you need to know whether your following will use OnlyFans and start bringing them over, and lastly they explain the importance of being flexible especially when it comes to your pricing. These just being tips it’s hard to say whether it’s credible or not, they could be and could not be.



My Digital Consumption

So it all started the night before, what I mean is that the 24 hours of monitoring my digital life started at 12:01 in the morning as I finished showing one of my all-time favorite movies to my husband, Le Miserables. Since we didn’t own the movie we looked it up online on one of those sketchy websites and has the viruses that pop up a million times; not the most reliable source but effective in our cheap desire to watch an older movie. As we finished I lay there and pondered the meaning of life, but not really the accuracy to the events at hand in the movie; maybe it’s credible, maybe it’s not, not really the point of it. And slowly but surely I drifted off to sleep and there I stay except for my usual tossing and turning.

I awoke to my cat Jeffery sleeping on my legs, and me checking my email as I did every morning, mid-morning, afternoon, and on and on rounding about 20-30 times a day, I’m not even sure as to why I’m not waiting on anything and I don’t work. After doing soon a drifted back to sleep as a way to help alleviate the migraine that was persistent in ruining my day.

When I woke again it was almost afternoon, and I was feeling much better. I had lunch with my husband and per usual our conversation flowed about everything. In the process of us talking we researched little questions we had about our conversation, such as what are sailor Neptunes powers and what does sailor pluto look like. This goes on for 20-40 min as it usually does and all sources are whatever google trusts enough to tell us, maybe not the most reliable but we aren’t writing a thesis on sailor moon.

I head back to bed as it is the only comfortable piece of furniture in our new apartment and look over my homework on canvas as I do every day, although this action still doesn’t stop me from procrastinating. Going on canvas daily does make me informed about my homework and gives me time to think it over. Being bored with canvas, I message some friends on Snapchat although this isn’t very usual normally I scroll through Instagram looking at things I don’t remember later.

As I am exciting browsers on my internet I realized I didn’t close on of the virus popups from the movie last night so I run a full virus scan, although I’m still not sure if it’s doing anything. As I do so I go to Facebook to check the wives’ pages for the airforce I am apart of, I am not active on it but I also religiously check just to have information about what’s going on and those pages always have 100 percent accurate info.

I finally get out of bed, again, and make dinner for my husband, after we decide to get some McDonalds for desert and listen to Today’s Alternative Radio on Spotify on the way over. Realizing we haven’t gone to the mall yet and it was next door we wander through until we came home just in time for bed.

google- 7 Although very reliable the search the google does to get the quick answers are just looking for snippets without understanding the context.

Snapchat- 8 Honestly not sure because I only use it for messaging.

Instagram- 4 It’s really up to the content creators to be credible and mine aren’t giving any substantial information, with the exception of Tasty, although Buzzfeed still it’s reliable.

Spotify- 10 There are few songs I cant find and it is very good with having helpful suggestions with impeding what you’re doing.

Facebook- 8 Same as Snapchat, I only use it for messaging and Facebook groups.



