
MCO 425 week 1 post



Saturday August 24th was a pretty busy day for me so I did not spend a lot of time online. I was busy visiting with friends and family for my birthday and when I am with others I try to live in the moment and not be on my phone as often as when I’m alone. I do always start my day on my phone, Saturday was no different.

6am- woke up and checked Instagram and Twitter. Watched a video on CNN about our Trump. Watched all my friends Instagram stories from the night before. (Typically I go to Twitter for all my news. I always check what is trending)
7:30am- driving in car to my parents I checked my emails and Facebook. Read a couple school related emails and clicked on one from lululemon about a sale. Went to their website to look at some pants but didn’t order them
8:00am- checked Twitter again. Read an article about Tom Ford that Vogue had tweeted about. Decided to share it via iMessage with my husband.
8:15am- my husband and I listened to an interview from Elizabeth warren on we found on Twitter. It was about 8 minutes long.
11:36am- bored right before lunch. I checked Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook- scanned all my close friends posts. Spent about 20 minutes on social media. Liked 7 on Instagram and none on any other platform. Clicked on a link Marianne Williamson shared on her Instagram that took me too her website
3:00Pm in the car driving again. I opened Apple Music and streamed Taylor Swift’s new album Lover for 1 hour.

6:30pm- at dinner with friends. I posted a pic of our private room on Instagram to my story and shared our location. Then I checked my feed. Liked 1 picture
10:46pm- shared a video of my friends and myself at Topgolf to Snapchat and Instagram.

12:30pm- got home. Watched Netflix before falling asleep

Throughout the day I used quite a few different places to gather news from, on a sale from 1-10 this is how i rate their creditability.

Twitter – 4 – Twitter is a great place to find what people  saying but that doesn’t alway been everything is true. Anyone can say anything on twitter and it could become viral.

Facebook-3- Facebook like Twitter, is a place where people got to share their opinions more often that facts or the reality of things. A lot of fake news is shared on facebook. -9- CNN is a professional network that pays experienced journalists to report on facts from an unbiased point of view. I love CNN and typically turn to them for my news daily. – 6- Marianne Williamson is a women who is running for president in 2020. Her website is ran by her staff and while I am sure they share true facts it comes from a bias background.
