
The Backlash Against the Portrayal of Bruce Lee in “Once Upon A Time In… Hollywood”

This summer, Quentin Tarantino released his ninth film, “Once Upon A Time In… Hollywood” which received many positive reviews, several of which noting the same criticism. During a short scene featuring a cameo by an actor portraying Bruce Lee, there are remarks made that turn his career into a throwaway gag. Many people spoke up about this, calling it distasteful and dishonest to Lee’s legacy. Even Bruce Lee’s daughter spoke out against Tarantino’s portrayal of her dad, saying in an article on The Wrap that it was “disheartening.”

In response to backlash in a Variety piece, Tarantino said that Lee was, “kind of an arrogant guy.” The director defended his decision to write Bruce Lee in the way he did, but this refusal to even apologize has only added fuel to the fire. I found this story to be sad when I saw it, partly because I really enjoyed this film and didn’t think much of the scene at the center of the controversy. As a young white male, I feel a responsibility to be educated on such issues. Right now, it seems that representation and accurate on-screen depictions of real people and other cultures is “in reach” in terms of matters I can learn more about. My initial indifference made me interested in reading the many takes from film journalists, along with Lee’s daughter.
