Week One

Evelyn Ramirez’s 24 Hour Media Use

Starting my day:

Unfortunately I have created a habit of checking social media platforms as soon as I wake up which includes Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. Specifically pertaining to news I seem to find the most relevant news articles from Twitter.

Most mornings I will also wake up to at least two news articles via text message from my mom. For example, this morning she sent me a video from the most recent democratic debate where Elizabeth Warren confronts Bernie Sanders. 

While I make myself breakfast and get ready for my day, I usually will turn on Fox News or CNN in order to keep up with current events and get a daily dose of News that I more than likely know will be accurate.

Once I am full and showered I check my email which leads me to my daily New York Times briefing that I quickly skim through.

Throughout most of the day I consume news via twitter but that is only to waste time or I just simply have free time as I did this day. I usually will look at Presidents Trump’s tweets to see recent events in pertaining to the Whitehouse.

During the remainder of the day, most of what I consume via social media is just funny jokes my friends send me or instagram photos they post. However, I did come across this adorable post via Barack Obama wishing Michelle a happy birthday. 

When my day starts to come to a close and I begin making dinner for myself, specifically on this night I taught myself how to make Spanish rice via Pinterest using this recipe.

While I ate my rice(which actually turned out pretty good, for the record), my roommates and I take a couple hours talking about how each of our days went and just hanging out in our living room. After I begin to get tired, I’ll usually head back up tp my room and get ready for bed.

Ending my Day:

Once again I turn the news back on my TV which happened to be on Fox News but I mainly use it as background noise while I get ready to go to sleep.

I conclude my night the same way I start my morning, which means another long scroll between the same social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. However, at this point I am so tired that I never tend to look at any news content but more very random content and videos that I have been click-baited in to watching.

One of my new year’s resolutions is to spend less time on social media platforms during the day which I’ve noticed has led to my issue of binge-scrolling while I try and fall asleep.

As far as credibility for the content I consumed I rank New York Times, CNN and Fox News both around 8.5 out of 10 because I believe these sources to a fair job at keeping their facts correct, but have also both had their mistakes. Twitter I would rate lower at more of a 5 out of 10 because it does contain a lot of misinformation that I have to mentally filter through when i’m on the platform.
