
Through the Looking Glass of Vaccinations

This week, we are going to be going into a couple of articles that go into both sides of the argument on vaccinations as well as what vaccinations are and some of the different types and what some prevent as defined by science.


This first article is from and it defines vaccinations, so what they are, how they came to be and what they help prevent. It even gives a little excerpt of why vaccinations are required when traveling.

“A vaccine against infection is a modified form of a natural immunogen, which may be either the whole pathogen, one of its components, or a toxin. A vaccine does not cause disease when administered but induces the healthy host (the vaccinee) to mount a primary response against epitopes of the modified immunogen and to generate large numbers of memory B and T cells. A primary immune response is all that can be mounted so that, in many cases, the individual becomes sick until antibodies and/or effector T cells can act to clear the attacker.”

Unvaccinated Children Are Now Barred From Going To School In New York — And Their Anti-Vax Parents Are Really Mad”

This article is about the law that was passed in New York recently. The law “‘prohibits a school from permitting any child to be admitted to such school, or to attend such school, in excess of 14 days without sufficient evidence that the child has received all age appropriate required vaccinations,’ according an official publication from the New York Department of Health, Office of Children and Family Services, and the State Education Department.”

This was brought on due to the fact that 26,217 students claimed to not be vaccinated in the 2017-2018 school year causing the worst measles outbreak the state had seen in decades.

SB276- YouTube

This video from YouTube is about the SB276 bill that was just passed stating that all children need to be vaccinated. In the bill it states that if children experience anaphylactic shock from the vaccinations, then they will be able to receive a medical exemption from receiving the vaccinations. In the video, a mother called multiple doctors offices and was turned down.

It is a bit harder to find anti-vaxx blogs or information on the internet, right now what is mostly in the media is pro-vaccination reports and blogs. But I did find this article from June of this year from the website which gives us all kinds of information about the pros and cons of vaccinations.

The Anti-Vaccine Misinformation You Read on Twitter Probably Came From Russia

This particular article is stating that the misinformation we are getting from Twitter about vaccinations is coming from Russia.

“The highest proportion of anti-vaccine content is generated by accounts with unknown or intermediate bot scores. Although we speculate that this set of accounts contains more sophisticated bots, trolls, and cyborgs, their provenance is ultimately unknown. Therefore, beyond attempting to prevent bots from spreading messages over social media, public health practitioners should focus on combating the messages themselves while not feeding the trolls.


This short 3-minute video shows and teaches it’s viewers about vaccines and how vaccinations can help people. It also shows how it has helped with eradicating diseases over time.


This video is a little bit longer, almost 8- minutes. It goes over the science behind vaccines, most of the claims that anti-vaxxers have made in regards to getting themselves or their children vaccinated and what the vaccines contain.
