
Sports Betting In Media, News or Opinion? MCO 425 Blog 3

Often as media consumers we are challenged with whether the content we are consuming is actually news or opinion. There are times when we clearly know what we are seeking out, yet this distinction should still be recognized. Is this factual news that is being reported or is this the writers expressed opinion? Are we looking for news or are we looking for an opinion. These internal questions should stand as a bases for our further discussion.

When it comes to the world of sports wagering, there is plenty of both news and opinion. Many times these distinctions intersect as writers express opinion within a column that is mainly geared at presenting the facts. Most recently, we have seen much of the news in regard to sports gambling come in on the newly passed legislation in regards to it’s constitutional legality.

On March 14, 2018 The Supreme Court did away with the federal ban on sports betting in which legality was previously restricted to only Nevada. The legislation simply puts the matter in the hands of the state. In this article, ESPN staff writer Ryan Rodenberg gives us a great example of a news article describing the current legal US landscape state by state. He begins with the states where sports betting is legal and congruently ranks states that currently don’t have legal sports betting into how likely they are to pass future legislation allowing it.  Clearly this is a news article as he gives us the lay of the land according to facts.

With new legislation in place, there is the question of what states will pursue sports wagering legislation and what states will be reluctant. In this article CNBC staff writer Bob Woods explains how the future landscape of sports betting in the US is likely to play out. Though the headline and premise may indicate opinion, we clearly see Woods give rationally educated and informed information on which states are pursuing sports betting and the time frame of when that legislation may come into effect. this is reported news as we get a glimpse into where each state is heading with this matter.

The very nature of sports wagering leaves room for a multitude of opinion. You are essentially doing your best to predict the outcome of a future event. No easy task here. Thus, there is a lot of room for opinion. So who’s opinion counts. When it comes to sports gambling media, who’s opinion your listening to does indeed matter. As consumers, we should ensure that the opinions we are taking in are well informed and looking at the sporting event from every angle.

With Super Bowl LIV on the horizon, you can be assured that there is plenty of betting content sizing up the holiday like big game. In this article we get a glimpse of some insightful opinion on some sharp proposition bets (bets that aren’t the normal point spread or game total). Jason Paglia is a writer and content contributor for sportsbook review. He gives some great insights as to why he believes these bets are a good statistical value. Though well written and well informed, this is clearly the writers expressed opinion.

In the world of wagering the smallest edges can be the difference between profits and losses. News and opinion can indeed help shape those profits and losses. Here we encounter an article from CBS staff writer Matt Norlander discussing the marquee Saturday matchups in NCAA men’s basketball. The article is on CBS so it must be news right? Not so fast, as we dive into the content we can clearly see that it is expressed opinion. Also, we get a glimpse of how main stay media companies that were not once associated with betting content are now reaching out to a vast audience that was once overlooked.

So what does this mean for the consumer? It means be skeptical. Know the difference between reported news and opinion and be sure to make the distinction when being a consumer. The very nature of sports betting will facilitate plenty of opinions on sporting events. It is up to you, the bettor, to have all the pertinent news such as injury reports, travel spots etc. Don’t get lost in opinion when you are really seeking out facts.

Francisco Healy

