
News & Opinion

One topic I constantly hear at work and in the news is how successful the food industry is doing right now as we speak. I’ve been in the food industry for about 15 years and have always been curious about where this information was coming from whether it was true or not. What are the drivers for this statement? As many know in the industry we have many factors that we are constantly watching. The cost of labour, the cost of food the horrible pool of unqualified candidates to hire from, these are just to name a few. What we do understand is that with time technology advancements will grow and help change the face on how we conduct business and the obstacles that wait. so does the food industries as we find new ways to stay afloat and produce profits. 

Being able to determine whether topics about the industry were news or opinions was somewhat hard to determine. What I found useful was breaking down the articles to how much facts and references were used in the piece of material and how the author personally felt about the situation. 

The first article I read discussed how the food industry was at an all-time high for consumer spending this year of 2019. The article brought up the reason for the increase in sales from newer demographics of people wanting quick and fast service due to technology. CNBC kept it important to reference organization like the national restaurant association.

The second article was again from CNBC but talked about topics like the turnover rate of employees and the technology of AI taking over the front and back of the house of the food industry. What this meant is that the food industry would see a huge number of employees being let go due to kiosks devices and mobile technology. Many of the facts that were proven came from the official Bureau of Labor Statistics. I thought this was a very interesting read since the first article I read was how well the industry was doing.

The next article I found was from the Restaurant Business magazine. There’s More Than One Way To Do Delivery, was more of an opinion piece more than the news that was covered in facts and references. I can spot that this was written in the idea that all the information it was giving was common knowledge and was more of a piece on evaluating how the technology has changed the industry in purchasing products and the true cost that is involved when you use these apps. 

Last but not least was another article from the Restaurant Business magazine. In The Knowwas a quick review on how technology has become a fear to the most executive owner to switch over to and that only 1 out of 4 have. the article expanded the importance of conforming to tech and the positive impact it can make. Many restaurants were able to reduce labour cost. This article referenced two studies but never gave complete references as CNBC did. You can see the difference from a news source to an article that is written by a magazine as if whatever they say is an original idea. I wonder if this form of media helps magazines stay relevant.
