
My media use in 24 hours!

While my coffee is brewing in the morning, I found myself scrolling through Twitter at 7:15 in the morning. The first thing that my finger gravitates towards is always the “trending page.” Today I see that on the top it’s an article, shared by the Washington Post explaining how a high school freshman was expelled from a private Christian school. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t use Twitter as the main source for keeping myself updated on what’s going on in the world.
When it comes to scrolling through Twitter, I find myself giving more attention to verified accounts. In my head, I suppose it means to me that they are more “legitimate” therefore more trustworthy of a source. While I shower, I listen to my “Current Obsession’s playlist that I’ve created on Spotify. I pay monthly to not hear AD’s so I am able to listen to my playlist in peace. From 7:30-9:00 I am diving into my school, turning off the notifications on my phone so I am able to get through my lectures.
My boyfriend often sends me funny videos from YouTube. While going downstairs to grab more coffee, I watch a video from a creator called John.B.Christ, who often makes comical YouTube videos around the subject of religion. They always make me laugh and I enjoy receiving them. 
I get a little distracted from schoolwork and find myself scrolling through Pinterest. I wanted to do homemade gifts this year for Valentine’s day, so I was on the search for something I could make.
I refocus on my school work for another couple hours until I realize that I am starving. I take my laptop out to a core life eatery and order my food. While waiting for my food to arrive, I watch an Episode of YOU, a Netflix original show that I have been getting into recently. After I am done eating, I take my time to make it back to schoolwork. I scroll through Instagram to see what my friends and other people I follow have been posting. I saw an AD for an upcoming Freeform TV show called, “Everything’s Gonna be okay.” I enjoyed it enough to save it and add it to my Hulu watch list. Later in the night, I once again find myself scrolling through the trending page on Twitter. At the moment I was reading about Virginia lawmakers passing the Equal Rights Amendment, making Virginia the 38th state to ratify the amendment. This post comes from a “Times-Dispatch” article, once again from a verified Twitter account.
I find that I’m not only scrolling through the verified accounts but the comments of others as well, looking at what other people are saying about the news. From 3 pm to 11 pm I am on my feet at work. When I go on lunch for 30 minutes at 8 pm, I text my boyfriend and go through my emails, answering any questions and looking at what assignments I need to get done. 
After work, I watch Philip DeFranco’s newest video while making myself dinner. He makes quick and concise daily YouTube videos talking about current events in the news as well as around other social platforms. I prefer this form of news outlet as opposed to others because of the speed and organization. I feel like I learn just enough about it, and then we’re on to the next topic. It answers my questions on the matter and doesn’t hesitate for a second.
Before Bed, I listen to more music while I am picking up around my room. I get to sleep around 12:30 am, and I get up to start it all over the next day.
In terms of trusting the news media outlet, The Washington Post Twitter page, as well as the Times-Dispatch page, are both solid eights when it comes to trusting. As I stated earlier, the verification on the accounts adds to the amount I trust them. The comments on the articles that I read, however, are closer to the 1 ranking. I read them more for insight into what other people are thinking, rather than gaining information. The same would go for my music and the videos that I watch throughout the day for entertainment. I can’t say that I watch them because they are necessarily “trusting” simply because they entertain me.
Philip Defranco tops my list at 10. Every story talked about in the video is cited in the information tab on the video. It is easy to navigate if I want to learn more on a topic or read more of the source material!