
Module 5:Curation blog assignment-S.Alvarez-Fox

Here I have compiled a list of sources that has a great variety of explanations towards my topic of player load management in the NBA. I have chosen these six different types sources ranging from article, blog and video. The best way to understand a topic is learning different sides of it from different sources.

ESPN The Jump Video

In this video there is the host of the show Rachel Nichols a sports journalist, along with Jackie MacMullan, a nationally recognized and award winning sports columnist, and Kendrick Perkins a former NBA player discussing in particular what the Dallas Mavericks owner, Mark Cuban had to say about the load management topic. According to Cuban, “Load management is the best thing to have ever happened to the league… I’m all for load management.” This video is noteworthy because The Jump is typically the place to find on TV every afternoon for NBA updates.

The Fan Article

In this article, radio station The Fan in Indianapolis discuss with the Indiana Pacers coach  and former NBA player, Nate McMillan, and discuss how he is handling the load management topic within his team. Also, as a former NBA player himself for 12yrs he explains the differences and how times have changed. As he stated, “You have to adapt,” McMillan says. “That’s part of coaching and adapting to the generation of going. It’s much different now than it was 10 years, to 20 years ago.” This article is noteworthy because you are getting the opinion of a coach that has been on both sides, as a player and now a coach. He understands the load management on both ends and is willing to be open minded about changes.

Kobe Bryant Video

In this video the twitter account @ballislife posts a clip of an interview they did with the NBA great, Kobe Bryant. Kobe was asked what his thoughts were on the current load management debate, in true Kobe style he stated ““It’s crazy. It’s your job to be in shape & be able to perform at that level every night. As a competitor i’m not ducking sh**t.” This is noteworthy because Kobe was an NBA legend that the league and players still continue to look up to, and he was one that changed the NBA for many of the current players today.

Times Union Article

This piece was written by Norman Chad, who writes sports pieces for the Times Union. This is a very strong opinionated piece that i felt had a unique side to the topic. Chad states, “If I adhered to self-load management, I wouldn’t even be writing these words; December is a five-column month and I’d definitely take a week off in November to relax my typing fingers.” He made an unusual but smart correlation between NBA load management and his job as a columnist that made me ponder on the topic in a different light.

Physio Network Article

In this article, I felt it was important and noteworthy because it is a clinical article that Dr. Tim Gabbett wrote. Its a different perspective to the NBA load management  topic that a lot of critics seem to not make note of, and arguably the most important piece to a topic like this,  which is the medical perception of the topic. Dr. Gabbett makes two very great points,  “Good load management minimizes injury by bringing players safely to their peak performance.Load Management has to be about making players available more often – and making them available in the best shape possible.”

ESPN Off The Clock Video

In this Video, former NBA player and now host of Off the clock, Jalen Rose discusses with his two guests, Cassidy Hubbarth and Jay Williams the drastic changes the NBA players and teams have caused with load management, and his guest go on to explain how that has affected the fans, and what changes should be made going forward in order to help the fans have an understanding.

My media use this week was not the usual, obviously with this class and this weeks assignment, it was a lot more than my usual media usage. Previously, i had mentioned i only strictly use certain apps regularly each day in order to help me get to and from places or listen to certain radio stations. In this week and since that module one media usage assignment, i have realized that media usage doesn’t always have to be negative as it is portrayed to be at times, seeking and using different sources online for information more regularly can be good. I do use traditional media, such as the news on TV and the stations app for alerts, however, as a mass media student, i have to grow accustomed to the media on all platforms i have out there, that can actually be more beneficial than anything else if used wisely.
