
Law and Media

Privacy. This is the biggest issue we all face no matter how connected we are Goggle knows all about you. This creates questions that are fundamental to answer and are seemly impossible. How much privacy should we have?

Well, we should start off by what is privacy?

: the quality or state of being apart from company or observation : SECLUSION
b: freedom from unauthorized intrusion one’s right to privacy


It seems simple enough we be able to be apart from others and not have anyone intrude that. This is the difficulty with the internet whatever you do although it seems private it’s not you are on the internet, on google or amazon website owned by other people, you own devices you have given other people access to. For the most part, you are forced into this with contracts and agreements that are a hundred pages long and if you don’t agree well your phone won’t turn on. This is a big dilemma how do i retain privacy and do what i want to?

This is a split issue, on one hand the law protects you, kinda.

The first type of privacy is defensive privacy, which protects against transient financial loss resulting from information collection or theft.  This is protected by the law, it is legal for someone to steal your money, property, identity and so on. This is tricky though because this is a result of hacking when we’re talking online, which is a global network which means your hacker may not be able to be prosecuted. In addition because of the amount of privacy we do have it’s hard to know who the hacker is, so do we need more or less privacy?

Both? Neither? Something needs to change but this again is a particular subject where they may be no right answer. If there is an increase in privacy like many people want we could having increasing issues with hackings, identity theft, anonymous accounts made just to hurt others, and so much more. This is an issue that is steadily increasing, “Hackers stole nearly 447 million consumer records containing sensitive personal information last year, according to the 2018 End-of-Year Data Breach Report from the Identity Theft Resource Center. ” Where does this end? Less privacy, probably. As a consumer with no background in an education on comupters, government, or cyberspace its hard to think on any example where we can have privacy and protection online.

In one of my previous classes, an article really struck me on this subject. Protection or Privacy? Neither coding. “Our choice is not between ‘”regulation” and “no regulation.”‘ The code regulates. It implements values, or not. It enables freedoms, or disables them. It protects privacy, or promotes monitoring. People choose how the code does these things. People write the code. Thus the choice is not whether people will decide how cyberspace regulates. People–coders–will. The only choice is whether we collectively will have a role in their choice–and thus in determining how these values regulate–or whether collectively we will allow the coders to select our values for us.”

This is quite a bit to digest but the short point is that coding as the ability to be used for good or bad if we choose we can have coders implement privacy and protection. But if we do nothing this privacy will be bought out as we have seen so far.

