

During my time researching Starbucks and the Environment, I discovered some great news and magazine articles, videos, and twitter posts. We are so lucky in our day and age to have the electronic resources we do at our fingertips. Through my analyzation of this topic using Google about how my topic is seen and critiqued in the media, I have compiled an annotated list of which I believe to be the best sources.

1. A YouTube video by CBC titled, “Starbucks to eliminate plastic straws by 2020”. I first chose this video for a couple of reasons. The first being because of the number of sources used in this short two-minute video, including an article written by CBC on the same topic with even more sources cited there. The second reason I chose this reliable video was the recognition they gave Starbucks for banning straws but also because of the statistic the reporter provided that straws “only make up about .03 percent of the total plastic waste”.

2. A news article from CNN titled, “Forget plastic straws.Starbucks has a cup problem” by Danielle Weiner-Bronner. I actually used this article in my last blog because of how deep it dives into my topic. This article truly has a voice but an unbiased one at that. Weiner-Bronner discussed the scientific aspects that the company faces but also discussed the travesty our earth is facing due to Starbucks’ manufacturing making it the perfect combination.

3. Not just one Twitter post, but two. To be honest, I was nervous to use these but I decided one of the most realistic places that people find out about news on a topic is on social media. Usually we hear about subjects of importance by beginning with a viral post by some large influencer that brought it to our attention. On that note, I chose two posts on my topic by verified users with thousands of followers that they are able to make an impact on with personal but relatable tweets.

4. A Magazine article titled, “Starbucks falls short on Environmental Commitment” by Davis Harper. This was yet another article with numerous sources by an author who only had a slight bias. I chose this piece because without it, I would never truly understand the other side of the argument, that Starbucks isn’t always environmentally friendly in some eyes. In order for me to be unbiased, I need to understand everyone’s side.

5. Last but certainly not least, a Youtube video by Sustana Fiber titled, “Cup to Cup: Closing the Loop – A Starbucks and Sustana Partnership”. I loved this video as much as the first because much like the other video, it also came with a linked article written as well by Sustana on this topic. The video itself breaks down the scientific method of breaking down paper waste and it also cited sources and discussed the machinery being looked into for Starbucks cups specifically. They admitted the large number of cups in landfills and addressed a possible solution for the company.

This week’s assignment was slightly more difficult to achieve because I think there is so many different variations on the best sources that we are exposed to today. My topic had many older articles rather than newer so it was also slightly harder to work with but I still think it’s important nonetheless.
