
Celebrities in the Media

Celebrities in the media have always been under a microscope and quite frankly, I think it is a huge violation of privacy. Whether it is good news or bad news, celebrities are always having their every move watched, judged and scrutinized.

I personally have never been one to believe much of what I read about celebrity news because who actually knows what is going on in their life besides them? We can get a glimpse into their lives through social media and what they choose to share, but let’s be honest, we are only seeing the surface level. We don’t know anything about their personal lives and what they go through on a daily basis.

I find that a lot of people are almost obsessed with celebrity news due to its juiciness. There is always some crazy drama, new relationship, arrest, etc. It is very easy for news sources to focus on celebrities simply because of the attention that it gets. It is like reality TV for us, but with real people’s lives instead. E News is a huge source for all of the celebrity news that goes on daily. I find this source to be very unreliable because of how many updated articles come out after the initial one is posted. It’s almost like they just rush to get a story out and when more facts come out, they keep making new posts about it.

As interesting as celebrity news may be to us, I think that we make it very difficult for them to live “normal” lives. Sure, they are not living like the average person is, but that does not mean that they aren’t human just like the rest of us. They still have feelings and emotions so is it really our right to be in their business 24/7?

A big problem that the media causes for celebrities is substance abuse and emotional disorders. A lot of people are born with a higher risk of developing these problems already, but when we put this pressure on them to always be perfect, it can send them into a spiral. Take Demi Lovato for example. She has been struggling her whole life with different health concerns including depression and eating disorders. I can only imagine how difficult this was for her to overcome on top of being constantly followed by the paparazzi.

The news media as a whole needs to take a step back (in my opinion) when lives are clearly in danger. Will it be a good story? Absolutely. At the end of the day though, it is their story to tell if and when they are ready for it. We do not need to make life hard and feel impossible for them just for our own pleasure.
