
24 Hour Media Use

Throughout this weekend I really paid close attention to the news I was intrigued by while using social media. My main outlet for social media and any news I would have to say is on Instagram and Facebook. Sometimes it is hard to determine whether or not the news is fake news or real. The main news that  I had a lot of questions and concerns was when I was scrolling through the feed on Instagram in regards to the fire in Brazil, the rain forest that is referred to as the lungs of the earth. Where 20% of our oxygen comes from. I was concerned because it was barely being reported as important news after it had been going on for over 19 days. How could the local news not find this to be more important than all the negativity that they always report? The concerns of global warming and climate change, how this is going to have a huge impact on the earth, what now? After scrolling and being lost in my thought process I then came across a post about a police officer urinating on a little girl and filmed it. I was really disturbed by this. I always take interest in seeing others opinions and point of view on these stories. In the comment section I found it to be even more disturbing. People were blaming this on race and the actions of others, some were blaming the parents for this happening to their child even though she was at school. Made me question who are these people that are not looking at the bigger picture to question what is wrong with this man and his thought process? How did he think this is okay?

Maybe he needs special therapy that no one has given him since he was a child. As I continued to scroll with disbelief of all the negative remarks made in the last post I decided to leave Instagram and go on to Facebook to see what’s going on there. I notice a post one of my friends had posted about a study that was done stating that the more time children spend with their grandparents the happier they will be when they are older. I began to read more about this study to see how this was something that could actually be studied but after reading through their findings and how they conducted it I was amazed. After reading this I scrolled some more to just see more pictures and others message for the day or moment so I decided it was time to end my day of social media and focus on what is going on around me. I am trying to spend less time on social media and focus on the things in front of me.
