
24 Hour Media Use

Media Use

10:00 AM: My alarm goes off and I of course click snooze for a least 20 more minutes as I just can’t leave my bed so soon. After the 2nd or 3rd time my alarm goes off again I decide I should probably get up. I usually open my phone as soon as I open my eyes and click right onto some sort of social media checking my notifications I got throughout the night, just to make the little red number go away. I usually will have a few retweets and favorites from Twitter so that’s where I go first. Most accounts I follow are either people I know, pop culture celebrities, or online influencers. Most of the content I consume isn’t really credible news outlets. As I scroll through the memes, and selfies I will often see either retweets of things like this: 

I really don’t have much knowledge of The Hill and how accurate and trustworthy the content they post is, so I really take everything online I see with a grain of salt. But with all the silly and ridiculous posts I saw I think this is the one that was the most important article I could’ve come across. 

So, I finally get out of bed and get ready to go to work. As I only live five minutes away from my job, I rush to get ready and make it on time.

2:30PM: Lunchtime rolls around and while eating I decide to scroll through TikTok, which is for a lack of better words, stupid. Its mostly just younger kids/adults posting “cringey” dancing videos, funny and quirky short comedy sketches, or cute animals. So not much news going on over there, just something to pass the time.

5:00PM: I leave work and head home. I grab dinner from somewhere usually and head home to find some sort of movie, tv show, or YouTube series to watch until I go to have to work on schoolwork then go to bed. I usually will jump on over to YouTube as that’s my most used form of entertainment. I watch shows like GMM, which is a morning show style of videos where the two hosts mostly do comedy videos of trying new foods, diving into a random topic, or doing challenge type videos.

I feel as though I really don’t see too much of any news related things, or maybe I just don’t notice, unless something major political is going on such as an election, or a major scandal. Even during these times, I use my better judgement, not just as a communications major but also as a young person who is well versed in how the media can portray things, and view posts I see on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with a perspective of skepticism.

Media Outlet ranks

Twitter:  1

I believe Twitter to be one of the least trusted sources of anything from news to pop culture related. I have been on twitter for about 8 years, so I’ve seen it all. To things being so far wrong and the truth being very twisted. So, when I see something on Twitter I honestly dismiss it as not credible.

TikTok: 1

I really don’t think you could count this as anything credible, it’s really just a form of entertainment.

YouTube: 5

Most shows or videos I watch are usually created through some sort of studio with some sort of policies or ways of conduct so they can’t just post misinformation to the masses. But again, with being well versed in social media I look at everything with an eye of skepticism, and do my own research if needed.
