
24 -hour Media Use

I tend to start my days early since I usually need to be up by 4 or 5 am for work.      You would think I’m a morning person after 2 years of doing this, but I still struggle to get out of my cozy bed. What does help my morning not be completely dreadful is Spotify. Depending on how I feel I’ll either listen to a podcast, either  My Favorite Murder (a true crime podcast) or The Big Picture (a movie podcast) or if I really need to wake up I’ll put on some tunes.

Friday morning I felt like listening to The Big Picture. I have been tuning into them more since it is award season and I am a huge film nerd. Today, they covered the movie 1917. I really enjoyed this film so I have been looking forward to this episode.

On my way to work I usually listen to music but I was really into the episode so I continued to listen to that. I had yet to check in on any social media accounts. I think I’ve been doing a great job with my 2020 resolution of not being on social media so much. I told myself I will only check them while on my breaks and a maximum of 3 times when I am home.

When I have an 8-hour shift, I get two 10-minute breaks and one 30-minute lunch where I let myself check Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and sometimes Pinterest if I have time. I rarely ever post anything which -I told myself I would try to do more of. Friday was no different, I just scrolled around and took in content.

My first 10 minute break always consist of me watching NBC News “Stay Tuned” Snapchat stories. I get most of my world news here and it is broadcasted by young journalists, which I think is a great way of getting the youth involved in more credible news.

They answered viewers questions about the Australia wildfires on their “Stay Tuned Answers” segment. This is always interesting to watch because they have super young kids asking them serious questions and they provide them with lots of reliable information.

After Stay Tuned, I went on Facebook where I usually find articles, click on them and put them to the side to read later.  Once I get home I will usually read through them while I’m eating an after work snack. That day, I saved one by Variety about an interview with Parasite director Bong Joon Ho. Then I listened to a NPR news podcast, Up First where I get the rest of my world news. Friday they covered, the Puerto Rican earthquakes, and Trumps impeachment process.

Once I was done relaxing from a long day at work, I got back to business and started on some homework. Not too long ago, I made the New York Times my opening page for my  lap top. I did this because I wanted to challenge myself to read directly from newspaper organizations instead of social media. I won’t lie and tell you I actually read through it because I don’t.

The truth is, I still get all of my news and information through social media. Although, I give myself some points for keeping up with the Up first podcast!

Since it was a Friday, I found myself jumping around social media more, but it ended with me watching Ramy on Hulu. It started snowing in Chicago, so I stayed in and sketched some ideas for a project. I plan on making an Instagram account where I post all my work, but for now its just an idea.

After checking how much sketching I’ve done, I realized being less on my phone has really helped with getting side projects done and I hope I continue to do that throughout the year.

When ranking these media sources I’d like to think “Up first” and NBC’s Stay Tuned are my most trusted, as well as the New York Times. Although, like I learned in the lecture, the New York Times has had some slip ups so I have learned to be more skeptical when it comes to reading some articles. Overall, I think these sources are good with transparency and letting viewers know how they are getting their information/research. Most of these sources also come from reputable news organizations.

My least trusted is definitely Facebook, since I always see questionable articles. The other day I scrolled past one with a headline saying Selma Hayek and Sofia Vergara were hosting the Golden Globes -which I did believe until I watched them and Ricky Gervais was hosting them.



