
Module 4: Blogging assignment-Analyze

NBA Load Management: What we know and don’t know

In this article by ESPN, Kevin Pelton and Kevin Arnovitz they both have two sources consistently mentioned throughout the article, which makes for an informative and detailed read. Having two credible sources like Dr. Marcus Elliot, the founder and director of the peak performance project and the NBA league, gives the readers a deeper understanding and proof that there is strong evidence behind the content being written and described. As i analyze the sources mentioned throughout this article, the positive affects with two sources is the reinforcement that what the sources are describing of the topic is genuinely being said for the better understanding of the topic.

Furthermore in the article, both authors, Pelton and Arnovitz did a tremendous job at linking topics, names, words of importance, and data that would redirect us to different links to verify the answers given and to go into further description of the topic, and that is a key aspect to credibility, because there can never be too much evidence to anything, especially in the media world.

As seen in this article,  the amount of information given is almost endless. The reporters did a great job at asking the questions needed to get relevant  and concise content throughout the article. There was about thirteen questions which seem like an overload of questions for just one article, however, they were short and straight to the exact point of each question. They were all fair questions that I had initially in my mind as I started the article and luckily they started to unravel as I read to the end of the article.  There was a great amount of historical explanation tying that in with current times and where the NBA league stands on the topic.

There were about three questions that I noticed were geared specifically towards the NBA team the L.A. Clippers, meanwhile the rest of the questions were directed towards the league and the load management topic.  I’m on the fence if those three questions on the clippers are biased or not, since this whole load management topic started with the L.A. Clipper star Kawhi Leonard. Although, I don’t believe there was an intent to perhaps have a persuasive tactic, i can see where that can be misconstrued and understood as the reporters possibly coming off biased.

There is certainly transparency, along with seeking and reporting truth to the best of these reporters ability, and those are some journalism ethical codes, journalists should  follow religiously as they report and write in their careers. Both of these reporters certainly are credible, as they are part of one of leading sports network in our generation.

Overall, the grade I would give is an A because there were details on the topic at hand and then much more throughout the article to suffice the details in every paragraph. The questions were well constructed, giving us the readers a clear understanding of how detailed the topic of load management goes in the NBA, most importantly the credibility the sources display are key components to a successful story.

