
Media Roundup

This week’s blog features a roundup of media relating to financial literacy for minorities followed by a brief summary of how my media intake has changed since this post. Forgive me as this post won’t feature my best work due to a family emergency that, ironically, caused a huge financial setback for our household this week.

Maybe it’s TMI, but we drained our savings, maxed out credit cards, and put liens on the only property we own in one day and we have a journey ahead of us from here. I am thankful because the work we have done to increase our financial literacy made it possible for us to help ourselves. This is a huge setback. Murphy, as Dave Ramsey calls it, came to visit but at least we know what to do from here.

I hope that you enjoy exploring…

When: February 14th, 2020

What: Single, Taken, or $aving?

Who: Minority Mindset

This article is short and sweet (Valentine’s Day pun intended). It lists quick facts about the history of the holiday and how it affects your wallet whether you chose to celebrate, or not. It ends with a reference to consumerism and a link to the following video:

When: February 12th, 2020

What: Retirement Plan: Raise Kids?

Who: Minority Mindset

This article highlights the fact that few people are actually prepared for retirement and more retired adults are relying on their children as a backup plan. Check this out if you want to know your odds and explore “modern” retirement ideas.

When: February 12th, 2020

What: Govt. must adopt financial literacy in educational curriculum – AFLO

Who: News Ghana

The Alliance of Financial Literacy Organisation (AFLO) is calling for the government of Ghana to establish financial literacy programs in their education systems noting the potential impact on micro and macroeconomics. Ghana is not the only African country considering the importance of teaching young people financial literacy.

Click here to see how Grow with Data Youth Foundation is teaching financial literacy in Nigeria! The video was published recently. In fact, at the time of this writing, it only has a few views.

And I found more on this topic…

When: February 12th, 2020

What: Derek Minor Founds Black Financial Literacy Campaign ‘We Own Now’ [INTERVIEW]

Who: Rapzilla

This was an exciting find because it’s what I hope for from news media on my topic. The “interview” kind of feels like an advertisement for and the publisher is not the most reputable source of financial news. However, the article provides insight and inspires thought. It’s educational, but it also provides action items for the people it refers to– in this case, African-Americans.

When: February 10th, 2020

What: Examining the legacy of slavery in America

Who: The New York Times

I received this via email. It is a letter from New York Times correspondent Nikole Hannah-Jones, creator of The 1619 Project, inviting readers to explore her creation, the work of her life. She thanks The New York Times for supporting real journalism and giving her work a platform when many other outlets would not. I have not had the opportunity to explore the project in its entirety, but this absolutely pertains to financial literacy in minority communities – the colonization of America and slavery built the framework of financial inequality and ignorance.

How has my media intake changed?

Throughout this course, I have made a point to follow or subscribe to outlets that will expand and challenge what I know. So, I am getting more of my news from my email inbox than ever before. I have the Washington Post’s SOTU fact-checker article saved in my email but have not had time to read it. This week, I did not watch television or stream Hulu/Netflix. And I, gulp, liked an Instagram post from Ivanka Trump because I agreed with the message in that post. This was a huge step for me as I usually lack the ability to view anything the Trump family does objectively.
