Week Three

Dems and Climate Change: News, Opinion, & Analysis

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

While the 2020 election is, in many ways, barely getting started, coverage of the current Democratic candidates is already dominating every news cycle. As I mentioned in last week’s blog post, many Americans consider climate change to be a significant issue that needs addressing in this upcoming election.

This focus on climate change is already having an impact on how candidates are campaigning. While the DNC rejected a proposal to host a debate solely on climate change, media outlets such as CNN are hosting climate change town halls with leading candidates to continue the conversation in more informal ways.

Just as the threat of climate change isn’t going anywhere, neither is the conversation. Media publications such as the New York Times and The Washington Post are regularly sharing both news and opinion/analyses on climate change and the Democratic presidential candidates’ plans to combat it.

Opinion: Do We Need the Green New Deal? — The New York Times

This opinion editorial speaks into the debate around a specific question:

Is the Green New Deal a left-wing wish list, a catalyst for crucial dialogue or our best hope for averting catastrophe?

Providing a thorough background on the issue, Bokat-Lindell breaks down the fears that were taken into account when the Paris Climate Accord was signed, as well as the details around the Green New Deal. While the author cites facts, he does so with the purpose to share an opinion on the matter.

Specifically, he argues that the Green New Deal may not be the answer to solving climate change, but rather is a political strategy. Citing the thoughts of other journalists, as well as solutions that people like Bill Gates have endorsed, Bokat-Lindell remains adamant that the Green New Deal has its flaws. He closes by stating that whatever the answer to the climate change crisis may be, the current presidential candidates certainly have their work cut out for them.

Analysis: The Energy 202: Bernie Sanders announces a $16.3 trillion Green New Deal — The Washington Post

Bernie Sanders’ Green New Deal has been the topic of many news stories, analyses, and opinions alike. In this particular instance, Dino Grandoni dissects the details of Bernie’s plan through a critical analysis piece.

Grandoni addresses specifics such as the high price tag of $16.3 trillion and calls out the fact that under Sanders’ plan, many in the oil and coal industries will lose their job. Because of some of these hard to swallow realities, Grandoni even argues that this plan “has virtually no shot of being passed by a Republican-controlled Senate.” He does share, however, that the plan shows Sanders’ willingness to address the issue head-on through executive action.

News: Kamala Harris says she’d eliminate filibuster to pass Green New Deal — The Washington Post

This news article from The Washington Post reports on Harris’ call to end the Senate filibuster to address climate change.

Rather than offering an opinion on whether Harris was right or wrong, or even what implications her statement may have, this article is merely reporting on an event that occurred. In addition, it also goes on to share additional news of other candidates’ recent release of their climate change plans ahead of CNN’s town hall event.

While the previous two articles focused on opinions and analyses regarding the Democratic presidential candidates’ climate change plans, this story sticks solely to the facts.

News: Democrats Propose Trillions in Spending on Climate-Focused Plans to Restructure Economy — The Wall Street Journal

Climate change plans have been a major topic of coverage this past week, and this news article from The Wall Street Journal is no exception. Specifically focusing on Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, this story outlines these candidates’ newly released plans to address the climate change crisis.

Similar to the previous Washington Post article, this story from The Wall Street Journal focuses specifically on a high-level view of the details around each of the candidates’ plans. This article’s thorough overview provides simple facts without bias that ultimately can help educate voters and help them make an informed decision on which candidate to support.
