
Grandma-We need to talk.

I believe that informing others about the importance of not sharing false information is all about the approach in which you go about informing. It’s easy to come off as condescending when trying to talk to others about media. This is what we want to avoid. This divide between generations, the incorporation of “OK Boomer.” None of these things are helping the situation if anything they’re dividing us further.
When it comes to creating a dialogue, I think visual is the way to go. Much like the lectures we’ve reviewed, It’s easy to see what misinformation looks like when we’re given examples. I think a good place to start would be the National Geographic article, featured in our Module 3 Learning materials.
This article breaks down just how easy it is for graphics to be bias and misinforming and shows us how to spot the most common manipulative tactics. I think it also shows that SO MUCH media is manipulated.
Another thing that I think could be beneficial would be showing this person this specific episode of Brain Games.
If you haven’t seen the show, I highly recommend! I found this snip-it on YouTube while researching and I couldn’t not include it.
The basis of the experiment is presenting people with two cakes. One marked 15$ and one marked 55$ and asking which one tastes better.
 The trick is that both cakes are identical. Cooked in the same oven, using the same ingredients. The video dives in and explains that because there was a higher price on one of the cakes, our brains gravitated towards it more. The same could be related to the media. When we see articles and posts that look the part, our brains trust that information, without hesitation. I think this video does a great way of explaining how our brain can trick us.
Finally, I would try to implement the idea of “Slow Media” to my friend. Taking a breath and slowing down. Not being caught up in “Click-bait” titles or the most shocking tweet. I believe that taking this approach to speaking to a loved one, you will be able to explain the importance of sharing correct information as well as keep their respect.