
Module 6: The Grandmother Problem

As we take time to elevate our own media literacy it is important to bring along our friends and family. We all have that one uncle or innocent grandmother who will see a headline on an questionable news source and share that aliens are among us on facebook. How can solve this problem without causing hurt feelings or disgruntled angry online exchanges? Here I will discuss 5 steps that I developed called A.P.E.S. to encourage “share with care” with your friends and family.

  1. Applaud
  2. Provide
  3. Explain & Encourage
  4. Share

Applaud them for sharing digital information. It’s amazing that today multi-generations of people are using digital platforms and sharing information online with each other. these are people we care about so its much more sensitive to talk to someone that is sharing false information. Applauding them for even doing so makes them feel better but also doesn’t hurt their feelings. We want to make them feel like their opinion and the information they share is valid. Especially older relative or close friend.

Provide them with some credible resources or tools that you use. For example, growing up my parents and grandparents listen to NPR. Now as an adult I listen to NPR as well. Giving the people your closest with a foundation of places to go to for information. This can limit the amount of faux information they share. They actually might end up preferring your favorite platforms and resources then what they were previously using. Many publications even offer online subscriptions, gift that person an online subscription for digital access that way they can always have it readily available.

Explain why not all sources are equal. But also explain to them how to actually find credible sources. Looking at the author, date, and publication is helpful for them to become more media literate. make this an open discussion and see why they were going to media outlets they were using. Encourage them to look before sharing. To attempt to be savvier and use these new sources for civil discourse.

Share headlines yourself. If you know you have a cousin that loves a certain topic look for legitimate sources with headlines and send it to them. Create a safe environment for you and them with the proper information that you found. So if grandma likes hearing about the midterm election drop her a link or two from USA today online NOT inforwars.

when in doubt just follow A.P.E.S.!

