
Opinion vs News: Women in Fantasy TV

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Depending on where you look, news on fantasy TV shows is actually very easy to find. It’s when you add the word “women” into the mix that it gets difficult. Sure, there are a ton of opinion pieces on it, but not a lot of actual news. After some digging however, I found some.

Doctor Who, a show notorious for it’s male lead character, introduced a woman as the lead a few years back. Doctor Who is once again making news with the introduction of a black woman as the lead.

Jodie Whittaker and Jo Martin in ‘Doctor Who’

BBC / Ben Blackall

The reason this is considered news, and not opinion, is it is reporting on an actual fact. This is something that is actually happening, there is no room for an opinion as to whether or not it is or is not happening.

I trust this source because it simply states the facts. It tells the audience what happened, and nothing more.

It took a lot of searching and digging to find this article. I finally settled on this one, and was happy with it. This article, titled “How Fantasy TV Shows Are Making Heroes Out of Women of Color,” talks all about how women of color are getting their chance to shine in the fantasy genre.

I classify this article as news over opinion for a few reasons. The first reason being, it really does only report on the facts. It talks about different TV shows that feature women of color as the lead character, or at least one of them.

The other reason, is that there is no opinion as to how the writer feels, or how other people feel, about women of color taking more lead roles. There is only reporting on the facts. The facts are, fantasy TV is becoming more diverse.

I do think this is a credible source. I trust Vice, and often read a lot of their pieces. With this article specifically, there is not a lot of fact checking that needs to be done to see that everything in the article is correct. It is a very credible site with very credible information.

Opinion articles for this topic were almost  too easy to find. A lot of them were “Top Female Fantasy Characters,” which is exactly what my first article for an opinion is. Titled, “The 25 Best Female Characters of the Past 25 Years” this article is exactly what it sounds like.

The reasoning this is an opinion article, is well because the entire list is the opinion of the writers and staff that created the article. This list features characters that they believe to be the best, not that factually are the best.

Syfy is credible to me, at least for anything TV related. Fantasy TV is kind of Syfy’s specialty, so it would be hard for them to lie about things. Especially with opinion articles, Syfy is the best.

It would have been really easy to find another list article for my next one, but I decided it would be more fun to do a little digging and find a different kind of opinion article. This one is about a specific episode of a show, and how the writer felt that it was a feminist journey.

Titled “The Magicians Reclaims Margo’s Journey as a Feminist Journey” this article is classified as an opinion/analysis piece. The reasoning for this is because the entire thing is the writer giving their opinion of the episode. The opinion of the writer is also shown when labeling the episode as feminist.

This article is, once again from Syfy, so you already know why I believe it is credible. Syfy is always credible when it comes to fantasy TV. Especially the author of this one, she has tons of articles written about this sort of thing.

THE MAGICIANS — “All That Hard, Glossy Armor” Episode 410 — Pictured: Summer Bishil as Margo Hanson — (Photo by: Eike Schroter/SYFY)